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SignUp Version History Notes

The following is a list of feature enhancements and bug fixes that have been released for SignUp. All customers using SignUp are automatically upgraded to the latest version. For more information about SignUp, please check our website

Subscribe to this article to be automatically updated on future changes! 


  • Resolved issue where new U.S. area codes were not accepted.
  • Resolved issue where cancellation emails were including the incorrect date when cancelling an instance in a recurring series.  Now the email includes the correct date vs the series' start date.


  • Resolved issue with auto-fill adding extra spaces when using certain iOS devices.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where patrons would incorrectly receive a cancellation link for the source event instead of the destination event when using the Copy All workflow.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where end registration date would default to 12/31/1969 while editing an event.
  • Resolved issue where the "Break Series" warning modal would incorrectly display when editing an All Day/Ongoing event.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where "View Full Site" link was not redirecting properly when viewing event details in the mobile view.
  • Resolved issue where Holiday/Emergency closings were not included on initial page load.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the XML feed was not showing Holiday/Emergency Closings. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the patron calendar would show Holiday/Emergency Closings for Private Locations. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where the private events in a feed have links that patrons can click and load the event. Now the private events do not have a link within feeds that is clickable by patrons. 
  • Resolved issue where the Combined Report failed to include all instances in a recurring event series with Shared Registration. Now the report shows all events within the recurring series. 
  • Resolved issue where the system would not let you save an existing event when editing the event, as it would remove the event types associated with event. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where deleted age groups were incorrectly displaying on the public side. Now patron views do not included deleted age groups in the search options. 
  • Resolved issue where events with a private event type were included in the subscription emails when a public event type was also applied to the event. Now if an event has at least one or more private event types, they are not included in the subscription email.
  • Resolved issue where the attendance page export was not including appointment times for appointment events. Now the registrant's appointment time is included in the attendance page export.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where the system would not allow new SignUp events or Spaces reservations to be created due to fixed equipment within the space. 
  • Resolved issue where the system would not let you save an existing event when editing the event, as it would remove the event types associated with event. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where SignUp Mobile event listing loads extremely slow or would time out. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where equipment is not cross checking availability between SignUp events and Spaces Reservations. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where a patron who is registered for shared attendance recurring event, and staff make a change to the events, the patron email notification only list one event date change, instead of all the recurring event dates. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where the system would break when registering a patron and then trying to recall previous patron to register on another event. 
  • Resolved issue where the system was unable to sort by Appointment Time Slot on the attendance page.  



  • Added the option of showing cancelled events within the XML feed.  The default is set to exclude the cancelled event until the XML feed is updated to include the cancelled event. 

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the system was failing to include/exclude deleted age groups causing reports to fail to run. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where the system was duplicating recurring series that were restored from the Recycle Bin.
  • Resolved issue where the system would break the recurring series when editing the master event of the series.  


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the saved Reports were pulling in locations that are not selected during the save.  Now, the saved Reports are saving correctly. 



  • Added site admin ability to Data Export their full SQL database backup files to their computers under the Settings option. 

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the system was populate the source event title when a patrons registration was manually copied from one event to another event. Now, the registration will show which event the registration was copied from on the registration history. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the system was not updating patron side subscription requests if the patron had subscribed to the event type in another location.  Now, patron side users can have subscriptions for the same event type at multiple locations.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the system was not removing the last stipulation question when editing an event.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where SignUp's API was not returning private event types.
  • Resolved issue where subscription emails had the incorrect date for All Day events.  Now those emails display the correct information.
  • Resolved issue where registration reminders for All Day events was displaying the event's actual time (12:00 AM- 11:59 PM) instead of "All Day"



  • Added ability to review and update patron's system notification subscription status.  If a patron is not subscribed to system emails, they will not receive confirmations, updates, status change, etc.  Patron system notification status can be accessed via editing the patron record on the Find Patron page.



  • Added explainer text for appointment events for why the Copy All button is not available for those types of events.

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the Copy All Function was failing.  Now, the Copy All button works as expected for standard registration events.  Please note, Copy All is not available for events requiring payment or appointment events.  Registrants must be individually transferred from those types of events.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where SignUp events were not including the correct equipment information in Spaces reports.
  • Resolved issue where SignUp failed to combine registration reminder emails if the registrant had more than one event to be reminded about.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the mobile view of SignUp and list widgets would display "No Space" if an event was scheduled at the location level without a space/room.  It led to confusion for patrons that assumed the "no space" designation referred to the capacity of the event.  "No Space" no longer appears for events that are scheduled without a space/room.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where the wait list was not functioning properly for recurring appointment events.
  • Resolved issue where Appointment Events were displaying the incorrect cancellation message when cancelling on the public side.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where event reports were failing to include All Day events.
  • Resolved issue where the registration tab was showing all settings when editing an All Day event.  Now it only displays the settings that are related to registration for an All Day event.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where users were unable to perform event management functions (cancel, delete, etc).  The issue impacted only those users with a space in the username.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where registration confirmation emails for All Day events were failing to include the date/dates for the event.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where an event's audit log was not updating properly with the staff side user name.  Now it records the staff user that made the changes on the event correctly.
  • Resolved issue where some validations were failing when editing an event series.



  • Improved the email opt out process for patrons that want to unsubscribe from emails.  Now, they can choose which products they would like to unsubscribe from and opt out of only those system emails.  As an example, if a site has SignUp, Spaces, and D!bs enabled the patron can choose to unsubscribe from just D!bs system emails instead of all system emails.
  • Updated the content of the subscription emails to provide better instructions on how patrons can make changes to their preferences for subscription emails.  


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where events with the appointment registration type were incorrectly including deleted patrons when calculating spots available.



  • Upgraded TLS version for AWS S3 objects to ensure the media/image uploader tool continues to function properly.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where system was not respecting the registration start time/end time when a static date was utilized.  Now the system respects the registration parameters for starting/end dates and times when using the static date and days before options.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where SignUp's API was not returning all the event data related to age groups.  It was only returning the first 3 age groups associated with an event.  Now all age groups are returned.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where appointment events were not validating the spots available correctly and allowing more registrants than it should


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where editing individual events in a series with shared registration allowed users to change registration parameters instead of editing the entire series or current and future.  This was resulting in data issues for event series that have shared attendance.  Now only the appropriate fields are unlocked when editing the individual events.
  • Resolved issue where staff notifications of registration cancellations were being sent if the main list and/or wait list is full notifications were enabled.  The cancellation notifications were not enabled but the system still sent them. 



  • Updated logic for registration reminders to better handle All Day events.  The system will add 12 hours so that reminder emails/texts for All Day events are not sent at midnight.  Please note, this change only impacts All Day events.  There is no change in the logic for other types of registration events.  


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the attendance page was displaying the event's latest update date instead of the registrant's registration date.  Now the registration date for the patron is displayed correctly.



  • Updated the add event workflow to allow for All Day events to have registration enabled.  Events that span multiple days (All Day) can have registration enabled. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where desktop custom urls were failing to direct mobile users to the correct view when including the calendar view switch.
  • Refactored Date/Time/Location/Space change email logic for recurring events with individual registration.  


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the cancellation link failed for sites configured with international date/time format.



  • Updated SignUp's API to include attendance stat information.  The get /signup/eventlist endpoint was enhanced to expose the various attendance values.  When the eventId is passed then the system will return the values for the Attendance Total, Main List Total, Wait List Total, Payment Pending List Total, Cancelled List Total, Rejected List Total, and Absent List Total.
  • Updated the unsubscribe footer language included in system emails to better explain the unsubscribe function.



  • Updated Braintree SDK to use latest version


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue that created a typo in the verification link included in the system email.  The link no longer includes the duplicate https.



  • Updated the Appointment Event cancellation workflow to now allow for choosing a new time slot.  When cancelling the user can choose to cancel completely or choose a new time slot.  Registrants will also receive an email notification.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where system emails were not respecting the SSL setting when including some links.
  • Resolved issue where the RSS Feeds were returning the date in the incorrect format.  Now, the date/time should be in the correct format that conforms to the ISO 8601 date-time standard starting with the year, followed by the month, the day, the hour, the minutes, seconds and milliseconds.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where event audit log was not accurately reflected in Event and Combined reports "last modified" field


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where unsubscribe page was not accurately displaying the patron's email verification status.
  • Resolved issue where events that did not require registration were failing to display the add to calendar and share options in the mobile view.



  • Updated analytics integration to support Google Analytics 4

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where the system was failing to prevent deleting the first event in a series.  Now a prompt is displayed alerting the user that deleting the first instance will delete the entire series. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved additional issues related to editing recurring events and false conflict error messages



  • Added namespace to RSS/RSS2 feeds and also resolved the issue where Event Date Start/End, Description & Location fields were merged together into the Description field

Bug Fix:

  • Removed image path tag as it was no longer valid in RSS/RSS2 feeds


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where restoring a deleted event was not conflict checking.  Now restored events can no longer overlap an event or reservation.
  • Resolved issue with deleting events in a series.  Now when an event in a series is deleted users are alerted to the fact that the event will be disassociated from the recurring series.



  • Updated Location Configuration and Security Configuration to remove settings/options that were utilized only by discontinued products.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where registrants were receiving email notifications/reminders for unpublished events.
  • Updated the "Support" button to direct to the correct url for the knowledge base


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with editing an event series when one or more events in the series were deleted.  The system now allows users to save their event edits.
  • Resolved issue where editing an event series that has one or more deleted events would display the conflict message and/or fail to display the success message after saving.



  • Added ability to access the attendance sheet from events that are in the recycle bin.  Please note that events that are saved as templates or unfinished will not display the attendance button.

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where cancelling the first instance in a recurring series would cause issues with the attendance sheet and spots available counts.



  • Added backend ability to re-order custom registration questions.  If you would like to change the display order for your registration questions, please contact our Support Team


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issues with transferring patrons from appointment events.  The workflow has been updated to allow staff side users to select a new time slot when transferring and correctly updates the spots available


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with verification emails and the failure of the decryption method for the unsubscribe link.  This link now respects the SSL setting
  • Resolved issue with the verify button failing to respect the SSL setting and causing issues with the decryption method
  • Resolved issue with verification email triggered by staff side notification emails.  It was incorrectly including all staff emails instead of just those that are not verified


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with aggregate calendar failing to load



  • Refactored the Custom URL feature to support "tel:" and make phone numbers clickable

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where auto-move status was not correctly reflected when editing an event.  The field no longer defaults to "no" and reflects what was actually configured/saved for the event
  • Resolved issue where auto-move was causing issues with recurring events with shared attendance.  The system was allowing auto-move to be modified when editing via "Only This Event" and "Current and Future Events".  Now if auto-move needs to be changed it must be done via "All Events" in the series


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where branding setting was not respected universally in the list and calendar views
  • Refactored "Add to Calendar" to resolve issue that prevented events with images from being added by Outlook 



  • Refactored calendar and list views to improve performance/load times
  • Maintenance/upgrades for backend services and processes


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where saving notes on the attendance page was triggering registration status emails



  • Added the ability to add a custom url link to the footer on public facing pages as well as a custom label.  Please note this is currently a backend setting, contact Support to add/update.  For more information about this enhancement feel free to review the Custom URL Article


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where certain Spaces reservations would display the "Oops! We're sorry but this event does not exist." in the pop-out preview on the public calendar views



  • Added the ability to print the Month and Week calendar views for staff and patron side.  If you would like more information about this enhancement, feel free to review the SignUp Calendar View Print article.



  • Added ability to turn on/off* the auto-move waitlist function per event. 
    • *Note: this does not apply to events with registration logic enabled questions.  Auto-move is disabled for those events.    


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issues associated with the Trust Guard update that caused frequent cookie/cache clearing by users.  


Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the placement of special email information in the reminder emails to match the placement in the confirmation emails.
  • Security updates to resolve vulnerabilities identified from latest TrustGuard scan (PCI compliance)


Bug Fix:

  • Updated the copy for waitlist confirmation emails for registrants that were waitlisted due to stipulation question logic.  The email no longer includes the text "We're sorry! The following event is full:" if the registrant was waitlisted due to their response to a question.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where some Spaces reservations were causing an error when viewed in SignUp mobile.  



  • Added a setting to turn off the registrant's ability to self-cancel per event.  The new setting is enabled by default and can be turned off/on in the Registration tab/section for add/edit events.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where running combined reports in SignUp caused an error and the bug page to display.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where appoint events fail for international date/time format customers.
  • Resolved issue of incorrect registration status display for staff only registration events.  The "Event Full" message no longer contains the additional register at the library text.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with SignUp's event api returning incorrect results for main list spots available for events with shared registration.
  • Resolved formatting issue for Event Change notification emails. 



  • Mechanisms put in place to help resolve issues with sending the verification emails.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved typo in shared registration confirmation email.  Added space between the dates and the word "and".
  • Resolved issue where change notification email was missing the additional dates for shared registration events. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with PIN usage with API Authentication.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with Appointment events with shared attendance miscalculating spots available
  • Resolved issue with patron side view displaying the Waiting List spots available instead of the Main List spots available 
  • Resolved issue with duplicate display of events in the Calendar Views when one or more age groups were excluded 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Patron API Authentication getting error messages.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with U.S. and Canada area code listing outdated. 
  • Resolved issue with new registered patrons not receiving verification emails, confirmation emails, nor reminders. 



  • Updated the "All Locations" view in SignUp mobile to include location/space name

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where special characters in internal notes caused the attendance page to fail to save internal notes 



  • Updated attendance page to reflect the patron's email verification status.  Non-verified patron email addresses now show as red with a tool tip message



  • Upgraded Braintree sdk to the latest version 5.6.0


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Shared Attendance on Recurring Event not showing proper open spots available nor attendance page.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Combined Reports not showing Rejected Status on the report.



  • Performance Enhancements and Optimizations with SignUp Patron List View and a loading indicator. 

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Combined Reports with only one Event Type selected getting the bug page.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Mobile Version clicking the back button from Registration Page to the Details Page and getting a bug page.  



  • Performance Enhancements and Optimizations with SignUp Attendance Page, SignUp Events Search, and Location Setup. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with events with "Email Information" box filled out and a patron is moved to the main list is auto-moved or manually moved the email does not include the "Email Information" wording.  


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with some of the slowness by removing the "Add to Calendar" fix from the production push on 03/02/2021 (listed below).  



  • To ensure we are in line with security best practices, we have now enabled HTTPS on all customer sites.



  • Added ability to show images in XML/RSS feed.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues with the recurring events ending on the day after the actual end date. 
  • Resolved issue with "Add to Calendar" button not working on Chrome Patron view. 



  • Added Transaction Report to provide customers the ability to report on events with payment records.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with seeing Holiday and Emergency Closings on List View of Staff and Patron side. 
  • Resolved issue with not being able to search for a patron with "_" within their email address. 



  • Chronological Sort Order for "Run Saved Reports" section. 
  • Addition of images on the iCal feed
  • Addition of multiple event types to show on the iCal feed



Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with Today's Activity not opening to a new tab when clicking on an activity
  • Resolved issue with the Combined Report showing only EST date/time, now based on the customer time zone. 
  • Resolved issue with Patron Notification Cancellation displaying event time instead of appointment time
  • Resolved issue with Attendance Page showing Rejected instead of Cancelled tab label



  • On List View, Right-clicking an Event Name now gives you the option to open in a new tab, so your place is not lost while reviewing a list of events (Patron and Staff Side).



  • Tab Name will be Universal for all products (Product Name | Demco Software).
  • Layout and Equipment included in the Event Report and the Combined Report.
  • Holiday Closures viewable on SignUp Mobile.



  • Relocated Setup and Teardown Time field selections to below the Location and Space field selections (as default Setup and Teardown Time is based on the Location selection).
  • HTML formatting with the "Email Information" box when creating an event with Registration.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with the "Save & New" button when creating an event with added stipulation questions. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with editing a recurring event with registrants, the registrants, and the existing recurrence gets deleted and a new one created
  • Resolved issue with editing an event and the end registration time keeps getting changed. 
  • Resolved issue with changing recurrence dates when editing current and future event changes. 
  • Resolved issue with appointment events with more than 100 registrants. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Appointment Events email confirmations and reminders sending out the entire event time instead of the patrons' selected appointment time of the event. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with adding, copying, or editing "All Day" events. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with adding or editing Holiday Closing under Universal Settings, alert message not popping up when creating an event. 
  • Resolved issue with confirmation message not popping up when adding or copying a recurring appointment event. 



  • Update with the option of "No Layout" on layout selection.
  • Added SignUp event integration with Spaces Reservation Report with Internal Notes and Staff Reservation Notes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with staff signing out and then signing back in with selected filters clearing out. 
  • Resolved issue with visible ")" showing when adding a new event.



  • Update disabled product language. 



  • Removed the Google+ share option, since it is no longer available. 



  • Added Sort by Appointment Slot Time on the Attendance Page (Appointment Slots Events Only).


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with searching patrons in Find Patron with space before or after name not coming up in search. 



Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with editing SignUp events with no available layouts. 


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with increasing maximum attendance and system placing patrons on the waiting list. 
  • Resolved issue with patrons stipulation answers not being saved in the system if they enter over the character limit. 
  • Resolved issue with viewing attendance pages for recurring events in the Recycle Bin. 



  • Added the ability of Conditional "Smart" Stipulation Questions within Events




Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues when editing Appointment Slot Events with Registrants with the ability to change Date, Time, Location and/or Space
  • Resolved issue with suppressing auto-move from waiting list to the main list from all events to only Appointment Slot events




Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where creating, editing or publishing an event in IE11 not saving





  • Added the ability to bypass the auto log out for staff side users.  Additional information can be found in the Keep Me Logged In article.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with registration date filter using the event date instead of the date of registration in reports.
  • Updated the feeds to include event and reservation time when using the "roominfo=" switch in the iCal and HTML/Classic HTML display modes.


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue of SignUp XML feed failing to provide the event and reservation end times when the "roominfo=" switch was included


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues where SignUp "Subscribe To" Event Type popup modal with incorrect text
  • Resolved issues where SignUp Event Total Attendance field setup instantly when a new location is added to the system
  • Resolved issues where SignUp conflict checks with restored events from the Recycle Bin



  • Added additional URL Switches to SignUp Aggregate Calendar

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues where SignUp Mobile Aggregate Calendar not responsive
  • Resolved issues where SignUp Aggregate Calendar location colors mismatched
  • Resolved issues where SignUp Aggregate Calendar is showing events marked “private”
  • Resolved issues where SignUp Mobile events show “No Space”


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where editing a Space in Location Setup causes bug page


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where SignUp Mobile Event List random ordering


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where only the public Spaces Reservations will be shown on patron SignUp mobile view. 


Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where Braintree Payment (eCommerce) URL link was incorrect


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues where MaxGroupLimit will populate by API
  • Resolved issues where Authentication was not saving library card number for patron records
  • Resolved issues where Authentication can be re-enabled after being turned off per event
  • Resolved issues where Authentication does not need the "Recall Previous Patron" option


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues where email verifications not being sent to patrons with ForceSSL (HTTPS) enabled on site


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues where XML values being programmatically removed
  • Resolved issues where Swagger UI page can now only handle Forcing SSL
  • Resolved issues where Max Group Limit for group registration is not getting populated by API
  • Resolved issues where API Event List endpoint only returns three event types


  • "Pay at Library" On/Off Setting set by Demco Support per request


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved PayPal error while making a payment on FireFox


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved PayPal error when making a payment on the mobile view of SignUp



  • Updated Braintree API to version 3


 Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue of SignUp API not respecting multiple locations
  • Resolved incorrect error message display when the maximum field for group registration was left blank
  • Resolve issue where the ISS of an event's title tag was not appearing within the web browsers tab when viewing the event details page



  • Updated Reporting to include tags within the Event and Combined Reports.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue of Registration date stamp showing incorrect value due to not respecting the time zone of the customer site.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with TinyCal through resolving a calendar math issue.



  • Updated From Demco Software box on the dashboard page to allow for better messaging and usability.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with phone numbers displaying incorrectly in the event preview modal for non-US phone formatting. 
  • Resolved issue with ongoing events incorrectly conflicting with an event on the day after the ongoing event ended
  • Fixed typo in the email verification message.
  • Resolved issue of banner images resizing and causing the image to distort.
  • Resolved issue of SignUp failing to respect the canceled/not canceled flag in Spaces combined reports. As a result, the SignUp reports have been enhanced to include the canceled/not canceled event filter.
  • Resolved issue of bug page not behaving as expected when a patron side user encountered an error. 


  • Update to change various links to hit proper Demco Software web pages.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue when the date/time format setting was set to "en-CA" interfered with III authentication. 
  • Resolved issue with event image failing to appear when sharing on Facebook.
  • Resolved issue with MS Word formatting failing to be stripped out when copying and pasting into the event description. The formatting code is useful only to MS Word.


  • Update to SignUp API to add limit and offset controls. It allows users of the API to paginate results and create more responsive products. Improves integration with Demco Software products. New parameters are "limit"- the number of results per page and "page"- page number.
  • Update to the event data structure to improve DiscoverLocal integration. Backend setting to enable the ld+json structure for DiscoverLocal & SignUp customers.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved a defect with the tiny cal widget not performing as expected when embedded on an HTTPS site.


  • Force SSL Setting option added.  In order to utilize this option, you must contact support.  This setting will force secured HTTPS access on all pages (patron and staff) and across all New Core products (SignUp, Spaces, Dibs, and Wandoo Reader) if applicable. If the content has been added to the software that is hosted as non-secure (HTTP) the web browser may give warnings to end-users (varies by browser). For example, an added room image that is hosted outside of the Demco Software products (utilizing the “From URL” feature within the Image Uploader) on an HTTP site could potentially trigger a web browser warning.
  • More information on how HTTPS vs HTTP content is displayed in browsers here.




  • Increased the performance of the API

Bug Fixes: 

  • Resolved issues with Australian date/time format where bogus conflicts were introduced on inverse dates (8/9 and 9/8, 1/10 and 10/1, etc.)
  • Resolved issue with TinyCal widget failing when clicking on present/current day and nothing appears.
  • Resolved issue with TinyCal widget directing users to HTTP links. Users will now be passed to a link which is HTTPS.
  • Resolved issue with SignUp Mobile not respecting HTML tags in event titles.
  • Resolved issue with branding for the subheading text color selection.
  • Resolved issue with the "all" switch filter not being respected in custom calendar URLs.
  • Resolved issue with the auto move function on the registration list. If a patron was auto-moved to the main list and then the registration was later canceled, the auto-move function was failing to move the next registrant from the waiting list
  • Resolved issue with the failure of patron self-cancellation via confirmation/reminder email cancel links. This impacted only Australian customers.


Bug Fix: 

  • Resolved time out issue with subscription service for larger data set customers.



  • Updated loading spinner logo to use Demco Software.

Bug Fixes: 

  • Resolved issue with subscription emails failing to send.
  • Resolved issue with the success/failure message not appearing in the Copy All attendees workflow
  • Resolved issue with date/time formatting when exporting a report



  • Updated Braintree eCommerce provider integration.


Bug Fixes: 

  • Resolved error with staff-side forgot password workflow
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior when Spaces and SignUp buffer times overlapped
  • Resolved issues with the behavior of reports including HTML code



  • Refactor on the "TinyCal" widget to improve performance.
  • Workflow change within the staff side password reset. Multiple password reset emails are no longer sent if an email address is associated with two user accounts.


Bug Fix: 

  • Resolved API CORS issue which impacted widgets and other API related services.



  • Refactor on the "TinyCal" widget to improve performance.
  • Workflow change within the staff side password reset. Multiple password reset emails are no longer sent if an email address is associated with two user accounts.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues when editing a recurring event with shared attendance.
  • Resolved issues for day-of registration from the admin dashboard.



  • Replaced Evanced logos in the footer on patron-side with Demco Software logo
  • Replaced most of the Evanced logos in staff-side of software with Demco Software logo
  • Enabled Boopsie app access to the list of products on the staff-side dashboard page


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with broken links being displayed in Staff Notification emails
  • Resolved issue where product selection was not being cached in the dashboard page after staff logged out
  • Implemented Braintree maintenance update to ensure future compatibility
Bug Fixes:
  • Resolved issue where SignUp and Spaces buffer times were not overlapping as designed
  • Resolved issue where SignUp was displaying a duplicate calculation of Spaces buffer times when showing reservations on the calendar

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where CSV exported reports were not respecting sorting selection done in a browser
  • Enhanced Auto Move logic for group cancellations.  Changed to continually move waiting list patrons until the main list is full when a group is canceled.

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed an issue where the saved reports were not respecting specific saved filters such as date and space.


  • Report page update to improve performance.  Dynamic date options added.  Style updates to bring them in line with Spaces, D!bs, and Wandoo Reader.
  • Find the patron page updated to improve performance and style.  Registration statuses can now be updated for all the events a patron has signed up for.  Search section collapsible to provide more area for the results returned.
  • Additional staff side notifications about an event’s registration activity.  Event creators can now add Main Full, Staff Side Registration, Patron Registration Cancel, and/or Staff Side Registration Cancel.
  • Registration reminder refactored to apply on a per-event basis.
  • Patrons will be able to cancel their registration via a link that is included in the confirmation emails and reminder emails. There are 4 scenarios that will prevent a patron from self-cancellation. If the event is in the past, has been canceled, the patron has already been canceled or the patron has paid for an event with costing.
  • Patron event subscription language updates to make it clearer that they are signing up for a specific type of event at a specific location. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where permissions were not respected for canceling a patron’s registration.
  • Resolved the issue where a waitlist full notification email was being triggered by patron registration.


  • SignUp API only - added "number of available" registration spots for Main List and Wait List. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Event Audit refactor to trim event audit data returned
  • Resolved issue where sort order was no longer respected in custom question answer lists


  • Added Full Story analytics integration

Bug Fixes:

  • Style fix for marketing tooltip within SignUp
  • Add/Edit event fix or locations with No Space (will now display "No Space" in drop-list
  • Style fix for event images under 200px
  • XML feed redirect fixes for SSL sites
  • MELSA Aggregate SSL issue resolved
  • Business logic now checks if Authentication is enabled
  • Resolved issue where payments charging $0 resulted in an error
  • Resolved incorrect Bulk Publishing date range
  • Resolved registration failure when Shared Attendance event is deleted
  • Resolved issue where email was being used to construct a unique identifier 
  • SignUp Mobile style fix on the Event List page
  • SignUp Mobile resolved when SSL was incorrectly persisting
  • SignUp Mobile language consistency fix

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue where patron notification emails combined multiple patron notifications into one email.

Bug Fix:

  • Resolved issue with Australian Phone Numbers not validating

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue where some events did not display Registration Success Message
  • Resolved issue where Deleted Events displayed in the mobile version
  • Resolved issue where some Private or Unpublished events were displaying in the mobile version
  • Resolved issue where TinyCal widget did not respect new URL redirects
  • Resolved issue where TinyCal widget failed to direct a user to appropriate view
  • Resolved issue where branding failed to load for some customers
  • Resolved issue where events without registration displayed both Subscribe and Notify Me options
  • Resolved issue where Locations filter would not display branches that did not also include affiliated spaces

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed payment events not showing the number of open spots
  • Resolved branding issue where you were unable to enter hex code in certain scenarios
  • Repaired df=calendar switch issue where a user was unable to navigate to list view
  • Resolved issue where "View All Events" began from the start of product use - no "View Calendar" put them to the current month.
Bug Fix:
  • Resolved III authentication expiration date issue
Feature/Enhancement:   Email verification workflow changes.
Highlights towards above are:
  • The window verification will be extended to 72 hours. 
  • If a patron is registered with a non-verified email, the confirmation message will instruct them to look for the email.  This will occur for both staff and patron side registrations. 
  • Non-Verified emails will display as red when viewing the find patron page.  Verified emails will display in green. 
  • Users with Edit Patron permissions will have the ability to resend the verification email if the link has expired. 
  • Patrons would have the ability to request a new link via their email if the link has expired.  
  • A styled email that makes it more intuitive for the patron. 
  • For information about the above changes, visit this article.

Bug Fixes:

  • Repaired an issue with subscription emails not sending to patrons in certain instances.  
  • Patron Hold Check for expired cards issue resolved for the III (patron API) method.
  • Repaired an issue with the "enable multi-branch" setting on the back end.
Bug Fixes: 
  • Resolved issues encountered when editing a recurring event resulted in the failure to properly create the additional instances for a recurring series.
  • Resolved issue of "Join the Waiting List" button not respecting the action and placing the patron on the main list.
  Bug Fix: 
  • Repaired an issue with editing a single event and changing the event into a recurring series.
Bug Fix:  
  • Deployed a resolution to allow for public events to display in private space on the calendar.


Bug Fixes:

  • SIP Authentication PIN not required displaying the PIN field issue resolved.  PIN field will now respect the setting.
  • Using "ends by" was making the last event invalid in a series.
  • Prompt to increase Max List placing patron on a waiting list instead of the main list is resolved.
  • Combined Report issue resolved when using the end date on registration filter.
  • Events XML not handling text-based event types or age groups has been resolved.
  • Events XML displaying ongoing events by database id instead of chronologically is repaired.
  • Event IDs were changing in an edit on a series.  Now the event ids will remain the same when editing.
  • Events XML private switch repaired.
  • Events in spaces marked as private not respecting the private flag have been resolved.
  • Resolved issue with cursor populating in the Keyword when you select it is fixed.
  • Search filters were not set properly in the user's cache.
  • Invalid event ids were creating errors in our error log.  Now if a user tries to navigate to an invalid event URL, we will display a message and direct them back to the calendar.



  • Permissions Update!  The security setup section has now moved.  It is no longer in the SignUp section.  It now appears in the Settings button under security.  Admin users can still create custom security roles as well as find any existing roles they had in the Settings button.  For more information on what permissions are now exposed visit this article.

Bug Fix:  

  • API bug resolved with the event list API.
10/15/2015 "15_12 & 15_13"  
Bug Fixes:
  • Migrated data was causing the start registration field to be populated with 1/1/1980.  The script is updated and the customer’s data has been resolved.  The migration script has also been updated to handle future migrations with this issue.
  • Users with copy event permissions were prevented from copying a published event.  

09/09/2015 "15_11"


  • Per event authentication!  Sites that are using authentication can now determine by event whether or not to require authentication.
  • Subscription email services were updated.
  • Staff side user names were case sensitive.  They are no longer.  The password field remains case sensitive.
  • Added a setting to auto-update records against the ILS records when using authentication.  (The setting is enabled by default.  If you would like your site to have this option disabled, please contact the support team here.)

Bug Fixes:  

  • An issue arose from having too many combined rooms in the Spaces product.  It was causing an issue with saving an edit on a recurring series.
  • Middle Initials in SIP.  When using the SIP authentication method there were certain instances where the middle initial field would cause problems.  
  • The merchant confirmation email was failing for the e-commerce setup. 

08/18/2015 "15_10"


  • Add to a personal calendar.  The patron side has a link on the event details page so a patron can add the event to their personal calendar.  Such as Outlook, iCal, and Google calendar.

Bug Fix: 

  • Fixed the setup/take downtime changing on an event edit when there are registrants.
Security Enhancement
07/30/2015 "15_09"
  • SignUp now has tag integration.  This feature will allow customers to tag their events to improve staff side categorization of an event as well as improve the patron searching.  The tags may also be utilized via the XML feeds.
  • SignUp API has been exposed.  Customers can utilize the data that is returned from the API and create their own custom interfaces.
  • Update to staff side calendar loading.  It now looks at the location the user is assigned to and filters the staff side calendar accordingly. Super great for big systems! 
  • Update the error message when you are logged in and try to navigate to a page you don’t have permission to get to.
  • E-Commerce Updated to allow for International support!

Bug Fixes:

  • XML Feeds were dropping events based on EST.  Now…all the time zones are respected!
  • URL Switch for et=all, lib=all, and ag=all now work as expected.
  • Cross-Origin Issues
  • Recurring Series with ONLY additional dates- editing was causing conflict check to fail.
  • SignUp/Spaces failure in conflict checking when a spaces reservation fell within the time frame of a series and one instance in SignUp was changed to that space in Spaces.
  • Wandoo Reader Locations were confusing the single branch setting for signup.  Confusion now resolved!
03/17/2015 "15_03"
  • Cosmetic: In-app logos changed to "Evanced, a DEMCO Company".
  • Cosmetic: Paypal option is now hidden for libraries not using PayPal.
  • Cosmetic: CVV and Zipcode verification is now hidden for libraries not using these options.
  • Bug: Ip-related troubleshooting options added for Evanced Staff.
  • Bug: Recurring Events "Days before" fix was added so both individual and shared attendance sheets work the same way.  "Days before" affects individual occurrences. So if there's a series, either shared or individual, that has registration begin "1 day before" then patrons can register the day before the occurrence, even if the first occurrence has already passed.
  • Bug: Conflict on canceled Spaces reservations removed.
  • Bug: When a single instance of a recurring event was canceled, it was affecting the format of the additional dates.
  • Bug: Aggregate calendar update issue resolved.
  • Bug: Resolved issue with the attendance figure now supports more than three digits.
  • Bug: Email bug involving unsubscribed patrons and reminder emails are resolved.
  • Bug: Error involving patron duplication with changed email/phone numbers is resolved.
  • Feature: Costs are now pulled over during migration from Events.
  • Bug: XML ND switch bug is now resolved.
  • Bug: XML caching issue resolved.
02/18/2015 "15_02"
  • Major New Feature: Events/Room Reserve Dual Migration Script is released. This allows libraries with both Old Core products to migrate to New Core.
  • Bug: Migration script conversion issue resolved
  • Bug: Ecommerce message error resolved
  • Cosmetic: Ecommerce text change
02/05/2015 "15_01"
  • Cosmetic: Payment Policy text and link added to e-commerce-enabled sites. 
  • Bug: Alternate hours date/time order bug was fixed. 
  • New Feature: Registration reminders for e-commerce-enabled sites enhanced.
  • Bug: Stopped duplicate notifications
  • Bug: Fixed recall previous registrant.

12/30/2014 "14_20", "14_21", "14_22", and "14_23"

  • Cosmetic: Menu style change.
  • New Feature: initial work to facilitate credit card payments by patrons. For more information, please refer to this article. Please note: this is an additional purchase module.
  • Bug: Alternate hours with en-AU date format fixed

12/08/2014 "14_18" and "14_19"

  • Cosmetic: Date picker update
  • Cosmetic: For systems with multiple products, the last product menu choice will be remembered.
  • Bug: Branding issue fixed.
  • Bug: Problem with reports confusing location IDs fixed.
  • MAJOR FEATURE ADDITION: We have updated the styles related to the Add/Edit Event pages. Please watch the following video to educate yourself and your staff on the new Add/Edit page.
    • There are numerous cosmetic changes to the Add/Edit workflow.
    • There is a new image uploader so that event-related images no longer have to be pre-hosted
    • The event description wizywig now has limited font and color options. The wizywig is still HTML compatible, but this will provide better control for libraries concerned that staff has too many customization options.
    • The "tag" feature has been added to the Event Details tab but is not currently functional. That feature is coming soon.
    • Staff can now add their own custom registration questions when creating events.
10/15/2014 "14-17"

09/24/2014 "14-16"

  • Data Setup pages have been exposed!
  • Updated Support Icon better reflects how to get support from Evanced.
  • In-house spots available bug corrected.
  • Deleted patron bug fixed.
  • Required fields bug on patron side bug corrected.
09/10/2014 "14_15"
  • Alternate hours have been added. Evanced staff can now add alternate hours for your library. This feature will be available to admin users soon. For now, contact Evanced Support to set up alternate hours for locations or spaces. 
  • A style fix was added to the registration modal
  • SignUp now respects deleted locations and spaces.
  • A date picker bug was fixed. This caused the error log to read one week ahead.
08/27/2014 "14_14"
  • One Week view for Calendar. Sites can now display the calendar one week at a time. This can be accessed directly through a URL switch of df=week
  • Report bug fixed. Reports had too low of a data threshold. It has been upped, and now you can run reports on larger chunks of time.
  • Branch Filter bug fixed. It wasn’t resetting after hitting clear/search
  • Recurring events bug fixes. The “end by date” function wasn’t working.
  • Text not being received bug fixed.
  • Aggregate calendar bug fixed. Related to displaying Hennepin.
  • A new “maroon” color stylesheet was added.
  • Back-end default XML settings were updated
  • Invalid path to ie.css bug fixed
  • Error log entries show time and date
08/05/2014 "14_12" and "14_13"
  • Back-end change in the way errors were handled for certain queries. This is a security fix.
  • IE 8 Patron Calendar load issues resolved.
  • Resolved the sorting issue with reports fixed. Certain fields wouldn’t sort.
  • "Lib=" URL Switch failed with multiple reports selected. This has been fixed.
  • Recurring Event didn't pull in registration start/end dates. Now it does.
  • "Back" is now hidden in Event Details if history is empty.
  • Calendar list view branding error has been fixed.
  • SignUp wasn't respecting deleted spaces flag
  • Find the Patron view showed the event location instead of a branch.
  • Misspelling fixed on reports.
  • HTML now passed through URL parameters for Events XML
  • Sites can now force patrons to use the secure version of the page via a back-end switch.
07/17/2014 "14-11"
  • Large data customers were experiencing errors when their searches returned too large of a data set. Now we prompt them to narrow their search. When a reservation ID and event ID number bug conflict resolved.
  • The iCal feed had a "\r" that is inserted between the Branch and Space name. This only appears in multi-branch sites.
  • Today’s Activity now displays all-day events.
  • Back-end changes allow easier Evanced access to set internal hours
06/17/2014 "14_10"
  • Editing Only or All In A Series Results in Server Error bug fixed
  • Newsfeed and Audit Log Not Respecting Time Zone bug fixed.
  • Customer-specific migration bug fixed.
  • System Alert banner style bug fixed.
  • Back-end improvements to aid in site setup by Evanced.
06/05/2014 "14_09"
  • Patron-side Group Registration has been added.
  • Patron Transfer to A Shared Registration Recurring Event bug fixed. Patrons were only showing in one instance. Now they show on all shared attendance sheets.
  • SignUp Permissions bug fix. All users created after id 5 were mirroring that permission set. 
  • Calendar Branding Example Typo is resolved.
  • Google Analytics Tracking Code prep work. This is in preparation to add Google Analytics for customers.
  • Add Clicktale Analytics Tracking Code prep work. This is in preparation to add more page metrics.
05/22/2014 "14_08 H"
  • Conflict Checker was counting denied Spaces Reservations. Now the conflict checker ignores denied reservations.

  • Copying An Event With Registrants Locks Down Registration Type Dropdown- now it doesn’t, when copying an event all fields are editable.
  • If a patron was registered pre-migration the phone number does not always come through when exporting the attendance sheet via SignUp. The number is displayed on the attendance sheet. We’ve made a change to the script to remove the phone field from the registration table and are now pulling phone data from the patron table exclusively. This means that we are no longer migrating the 'phone2' field from the 'eventsignup' table in the Event's database. This kb article was also updated: http://kb.demcosoftware.com/article.php?id=535
  • Calendar Branding Issues- The branding was not updating the XML correctly. It has now resolved.
  • Banner Target URL was not functioning as expected on the event details page. Now it does.
  • Recurring Cancellation Emails- If you canceled one instance in the series that had shared registration it was sending out an email alert that all events were canceled. It has been updated to only reflect the dates that were canceled
  • Aggregate Calendar-Filtering By Locations- The aggregate calendar was not filtering as expected. Now it’s resolved and functioning as expected.
  • Article Created Here: http://kb.demcosoftware.com/article.php?id=586 for Aggregate Widget Usage.
  • Configure SignUp to only use the rooms configured for it.
05/08/2014 "14_07 G"
  • Set up LDAP to be a variable URL in web config.
04/29/2014 "14_06 F"
  • Branch Specific Permissions for Create From Template. If you have branch specific permissions to create an event from a template you can now use templates made for your branch and those that do not have a branch saved. (Not sure what customer reported this, but it was Alex who logged it in the portal)
  • The "Patron Pricing Category
  • Tab Name will be Universal for all products (Product Name | Demco Software).
Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: All Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: A list of features and corrected bugs for each version of SignUp
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Alma J. Henderson on Wed, May 21st, 2014 at 11:44 AM
I am grateful for the updates. It allows me to be informed so that I need not pursue information on my own.
Comment by Melanie on Wed, Apr 30th, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Thank you for providing these updates. It‘s easy to see the changes and nice to be informed!
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