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Data Migration from Events to SignUp

What data will be migrated from Events to SignUp?
If you are an existing Events customer and are migrating to SignUp, you need to know what data will and won’t cross over to your new system.

The following fields will import into your new SignUp system.

  • Branches (locations)
  • Rooms (spaces)
  • Age groups
  • Event types
  • Custom registration questions
  • Presenters
  • All events (past, current, and future)
  • Registrations (including main lists and wait lists)
  • Recurrences of existing events (this does include past recurrences in order to keep the recurring series connected)
  • Patrons

Please be aware of the following items which are not migrated from Events.

  • Saved reports
  • Fees ("costs")
  • Room layouts
  • Equipment requests
  • Subscribers (via "Notify Me") who are not registered for events
  • If your library has received custom code work in Events, this custom code work will not be ported to SignUp
  • Patron registration histories will reset completely once migrated to SignUp
  • All registration dates will reset to the day the data was imported
  • All event creation dates will reset to the day the data was imported. However, there will be a date the event was last modified that will pull in from Events. This creates an odd situation where the date an event was created could be AFTER the date the event was last modified
  • Staff user accounts will not be pulled in. You’ll need to recreate user accounts in SignUp
  • Alternate phone numbers on patron records
  • Notes fields (Room Notes or Internal Notes)
Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: All Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: Data Migration from Events To SignUp
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Brandon on Wed, Dec 3rd, 2014 at 9:46 PM
That is possible, Tammi. You would do this by creating an XML feed set to use the data mode "iCal" ("dm=ical") in the URL. Check out this article on the KB to learn how to set up a feed URL: http://kb.demcosoftware.com/article.php?id=77
Comment by Tammi moe on Sat, Nov 29th, 2014 at 5:24 PM
IS there a way to export events into Google calendars?
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