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SignUp Calendar Page URL Variables

URL variables can be appended to your calendar link to specify certain settings.
If your event calendar is at the URL http://ues.evanced.info/signup/calendar, we’ll add URL variables like so:


For the first variable you want to add, you need to start with a question mark. For every other variable, you start with an ampersand. It’s pretty easy, and lets you build custom links!

Note: prior to the August 2016 release of SignUp, URLs used the format http://ues.evanced.info/signup/eventcalendar.aspx. Those URLs will redirect to the new format, but we encourage you to update your links to reflect the new format instead of relying on the redirects.

These are the variables we currently use:
  • Display Format - df=
    • list, week, or calendar
  • Number of Days (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - nd=
    • 30 - or any integer value
    • overrides "df=calendar" switch and forces list view
  • Keyword (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - kw=
    • any single word or phrase - keyword searches on Description, Title, and Presenter if a specific presenter is not specified.
  • Date Start (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - ds=
    • A date value in YYYY/MM/DD format.
    • on list view, the events shown start at this date.
    • on the calendar view, the entire month passed is displayed.
  • Date End (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - de=
    • A date value in YYYY/MM/DD format.
    • on list view, the events shown start at this date.
    • this doesn’t do anything on the calendar view.
  • Presenter (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - ps=
    • any name, first, last, or combined, of the desired presenter.
  • Featured Events (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - fe=
    • 1 - This displays featured events only.
  • Ongoing Events (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - ongoing=
    • 1 - This displays ongoing events with the rest of the events.
  • Specific Library Branches (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - lib=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the library ID.
    • 1,2,4,6,23 for multiple, where these numbers are the library IDs. No spaces.
  • Specific Age Groups (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - ag=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the age group ID.
    • 1,3,5,8,13 for multiple, where these numbers are the age group IDs. No spaces.
    • input ag=all for every age group in your system to display
  • Specific Event Types (also works with mobile "/msignup/events?") - et=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the event type ID.
    • 3,1,4,15,92 for multiple, where these numbers are the event type IDs. No spaces.
    • input et=all for every event type in your system to display
  • Bypass Mobile Interface - nomobile=
    • 1 - This bypasses the mobile interface and forces the desktop interface.
Staff Side Only Variables (these just don’t work on the patron side)
  • Published flags - pub=
    • 1 - Only published.
    • 2 - Only unpublished.
    • 3 - Both published & unpublished (default).

Please note that Evanced’s support is limited to the functionality of the SignUp Calendar Page URL Variables and the way it looks independently. Evanced does not provide support for implementing the URL Variables on your site, nor does it provide support for URL Variables after installation on your site.

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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Todd on Thu, Jan 8th, 2015 at 6:16 PM
Thanks for commenting. You could still use the url switch for a private event type, however a user would have to be logged into the staff side to actually see the event details. SignUp respects the private nature of the event type and reserves the information for "staff eyes only".
Comment by Pioneer Library System on Mon, Dec 15th, 2014 at 5:43 PM
Is it possible to create a SignUp URL that displays private events? We currently do this for a staff training calendar with private=0
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