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Holiday/Emergency Closings

This article will cover the configuration workflow for Holiday/Emergency Closings feature for the event and room management products (SignUp, Spaces, and D!bs).   

The Holiday/Emergency Closings feature creates an easier workflow for configuring holiday/emergency closings schedules for all locations and rooms/spaces.  This feature enables the configuring of the closings from one place vs editing each location's hours.  Libraries with multiple locations and rooms identified this as a key pain point in managing the hours for their system.    

To access the Holiday/Emergency closings feature, select the Settings menu in the side navigation menu.  Select the Location Setup sub-menu.


Holiday/Emergency Closings

  • Select the Edit button on "Universal Settings" in the Locations list
  • Select the Hours tab on the Edit Universal Settings page
  • Any closings added to a system will display the closing name and date/date range of the closing

Adding Holiday/Emergency Closings

A holiday or emergency closing can be scheduled from the Hours tab in Universal Settings.  The closing will override existing standard and alternate hours schedules for the selected locations and rooms/spaces within the location(s). 

  • Select Add New in the Holiday/Emergency Closings section
  • Enter the Closing Name
  • Select the Start Date and End Date
  • After selecting the save button, choose the desired locations for the closing in the pop-up dialog
  • Select Yes to complete the workflow

Editing Holiday/Emergency Closings

A closing can be edited by selecting the edit icon for the closing that needs to be modified.

  • Select the edit icon for the desired closing
  • Edit the Closing Name, Start Date, and/or End Date
  • After selecting the save button, choose the desired locations for the closing in the pop-up dialog
  • Select Yes to complete the workflow


Viewing Holiday/Emergency Closings

The list of locations that the closing is applied to can be accessed via the view icon.

  • Select the view icon for the desired closing
  • The closing will expand and display the list of locations that are associated with the closing
  • Select the view icon again to collapse the view


Impact on D!bs

Calendar View

  • A holiday/emergency closing will appear on the Reservation Calendar  
  • It will display the Closing Name
  • The pop out detail view will display the locations for the closing.  If the closing applies to all of the locations on the system, it will display as "All Locations"
  • A closing that spans multiple dates will display a closing for each day on the calendar

Add Reservation

When a closing is applied to a location with D!bs rooms/spaces, the rooms will be closed and not appear as available in the reservation workflows.

**Please note the closing does not apply to existing reservations.  Those reservations would need to be cancelled manually via the reservation list.


Impact on Spaces

A holiday/emergency closing is integrated with the calendar/list views and add/edit reservation workflows.

Calendar View

  • A holiday/emergency closing will appear on the Reservation Calendar  
  • It will display the Closing Name
  • The pop out detail view will display the locations for the closing.  If the closing applies to all of the locations on the system, it will display as "All Locations"
  • A closing that spans multiple dates will display a closing for each day on the calendar

Add/Edit Reservation

  • When a closing is applied to a location with Spaces rooms/spaces, the rooms will be closed and not appear as available in the add/edit reservation workflows.

**Please note the closing does not apply to existing reservations.  Those reservations would need to be cancelled manually via the reservation list.


Impact on SignUp

A holiday/emergency closing is integrated with the calendar/list views and add/edit event workflows.


  • When an event is scheduled for the date of a closing, a conflict alert will appear after you select save.
  • The conflict can be ignored and the event can be scheduled.  This allows for adding in-service/staff training events, etc.

Calendar View

  • A holiday/emergency closing will appear on the Event Calendar  
  • It will display the Closing Name
  • The pop out detail view will display the locations for the closing.  If the closing applies to all of the locations on the system, it will display as "All Locations"
  • A closing that spans multiple dates will display a closing for each day on the calendar

List View

  • A holiday/emergency closing will appear on the Event Calendar  
  • It will display the Closing Name
  • If the closing applies to all of the locations on the system, it will display as "All Locations"
  • A closing that spans multiple dates will display a closing for each day in the list view
Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: All Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: Holiday/Emergency Closings
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