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Configuring Reservation Restrictions in Spaces

In Spaces, the ability to restrict patron reservation requests is present in a number of ways. These settings currently only restrict individual patrons, not organizations. If a patron has encountered one of the reservation rules, an error message stating which rule they broke will be displayed.

To modify reservation restrictions, navigate to Settings > Location Setup. There are a few different areas in which you can adjust various restrictions. The majority of restrictions can be modified by hovering over the "Universal Settings" item at the top of the location list and clicking "Edit." Note these restrictions are system-wide and cannot be set per location or space.

By expanding the "Universal Settings," you can hover over the newly-revealed "Universal Spaces Settings" item and click "Edit" to modify per-space restrictions. When using this method, the per-space restrictions (the last three in this article) will set all spaces to the defaults you enter. Alternatively, you can configure individual spaces' restrictions by hovering over a space, clicking "Edit," and clicking the "Spaces Room Settings" tab at the top of the page. An individual space's restrictions will override the defaults set in "Universal Spaces Settings."


Earliest Reservation Time - (in hours) The earliest possible time a patron can request a reservation. Example: if the patron is required to make a request at least 24 hours in advance, this number would be "24"

Latest Reservation Time - (in days) The latest possible time a patron can request a reservation. Example: if the patron is not allowed to make a request further than one month out, this number would be "30"


Maximum Reservation Length - (in hours) The greatest number of hours a reservation can occupy. Example: if the patron cannot request a reservation longer than 4 hours, this number would be "4"


Important clarification regarding the following two sections: Active Hours are hours associated with a patron's present or future reservations, Total Hours are hours associated with a patron's past, present, or future reservations.

Maximum Active Hours Per Day - (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for active reservations in one day. Example: if this is set to "4", the patron cannot claim more than 4 hours of reservations within the next 24 hour period

Maximum Active Hours Per Week -  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for active reservations in one week. Example: if this is set to "20", the patron cannot claim more than 20 hours of reservations within the next 7 day period

Maximum Active Hours Per Month -  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for active reservations in one month. Example: if this is set to "50", the patron cannot claim more than 50 hours of reservations within the next 30 day period

Maximum Active Hours Per Year-  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for active reservations in one year. Example: if this is set to "200", the patron cannot claim more than 200 hours of reservations within the next 365 day period


Maximum Total Hours Per Day -  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for all reservations in one day. Example: if this is set to "4", the patron cannot claim more than 4 hours of reservations in any given 24 hour period

Maximum Total Hours Per Week-  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for all reservations in one week. Example: if this is set to "20", the patron cannot claim more than 20 hours of reservations in any given 7 day period

Maximum Total Hours Per Month-  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for all reservations in one month. Example: if this is set to "50", the patron cannot claim more than 50 hours of reservations in any given 30 day period

Maximum Total Hours Per Year -  (in hours) The total number of hours a patron can claim for all reservations in one year. Example: if this is set to "200", the patron cannot claim more than 200 hours of reservations in any given 365 day period


Maximum Active Reservations - The total number of active reservations a patron can claim at any time. Example: if this is set to "3", the patron could only have 3 reservations set for the present or future

Maximum Daily Reservations - The total number of active reservations a patron can claim in a day. Example: if this is set to "2", the patron could only have 2 reservations in any given 24 hour period regardless of if the reservation is past, present, or future


Maximum Active Reservations For [this room] - The total number of active reservations a patron can claim in a specific room at any time. Example: if this is set to "3" for "Study Room 5", the patron could only have 3 reservations in Study Room 5 for the present or future

Maximum Daily Reservations For [this room] - The total number of reservations a patron can claim in a specific room in a day. Example: if this is set to "2" for "East Meeting Room", the patron could only have 2 reservations in the East Meeting Room in any given 24 hour period regardless of if the reservation is past, present, or future

Maximum Total Hours Per Day For [this room] - The total number of hours a patron can claim in a specific room in a day. Example: if this is set to "4" for "Meeting Room C", the patron could only have four hours' worth of reservations in Meeting Room C in any given 24 hours period regardless of iff the reservation is past, present, or future

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  • Summary: A list of settings by which to restrict patron reservation requests in Spaces.
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