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Add/Edit Age Groups in SignUp

This document demonstrates how to add/edit Age Groups in SignUp.

Click here to view a short video overview of the "Categories" area.

To access the Location Setup area, you need to first be sure you’re logged in at the Super Admin permission level.

Choose the "Settings" button and select the "Categories" option from the drop-down menu.


Adding SignUp Age Groups.

  • From the "Category" list view, choose the "Age Groups" tab from the top-right of the page.
  • Click the "Add New" button to create a new Age Group
  • Name the Age Group.
  • Click the "Save" button to save the new Age Group.

Editing Existing SignUp Age Groups.

  • To edit a pre-existing Age Group name, click on the Age Group name to make it editable, type your revision and then save it by clicking the small "x" to the right of your Age Group name. 

Deleting a SignUp Age Group.

  • To delete an Age Group, mouse over to the far-right of the Age Group row to reveal the "Delete" button and select it, and choose "Yes" at the delete pop-up dialog box.

Restore a Deleted SignUp Age Group.

It should be noted that deleting the Age Group does not completely remove the Age Group from the system, it just "flags" it as deleted in the database.  So, if the Age Group is still tied to an event, it will still show, it just cannot be added to a new event (or when editing or copying an existing event).  By leaving the Age Group hidden in the system, it can be reactivated later if staff policy changes and for the sake of data integrity when accessing old records and running reports.

Restore a deleted Age Group back to the list if needed by following these steps:

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Age Group list and select the "Show Deleted Age Groups" option to reveal the deleted Age Groups list
  • Mouse-over the deleted Age Group and click on the "Restore" button to the far-right of the Age Group.

Changing the Display Order of Age Groups in SignUp

Once you have your Age Groups input into your system, you can change the order in which they appear in the list for your patrons and staff. For example, you may want to change the order of how your Age Groups appear to your patrons based off of the most popular, rather than by the default alphabetical order.

  • First choose "Custom" from the "Sort By" drop down list on the top-right area of the Location Setup list page.
  • Now, drag and drop the Age Groups in the order you want.




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  • Applicable To: All Users
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  • Summary: Add/Edit Age Groups in SignUp
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