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Events/Room Reserve V7 Upgrade Instructions

Please remember that the Evanced Support Department is always willing to help or even perform the update for you, so if you have any hesitations about performing the update yourself please contact us at support@evancedsolutions.com to schedule your update. If you intend on performing the update yourself, send us an email requesting the download links and passwords. Only attempt the steps in this article if you have applied similar updates before.

Important: Events/Room Reserve version 7 requires MySQL version 5.0, other versions are not supported with it. If your system is currently using a different version, it has to be moved to MySQL 5.0 database before starting the upgrade process. If you are not sure of MySQL version you are using, please contact support at the email address below. Instructions to upgrade MySQL are available here.

Please also email support if you are trying to update an Events/Room Reserve system that is older than version 5. Direct upgrade in those cases will cause issues. To check your system’s version, select "About” from maintenance home page’s menu bar.

To update Events/Room Reserve version 5, 6, or early 7 to the latest version 7, please follow the steps below.

System's web and database files need to be backed up before we start the update process:

Create a copy the system's web folder (usually located at "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\evanced\lib") and keep the copied folder saved in the same location. This will create a backup of the web files.
Create a copy the system's database folder (usually located at "c:\MySQL\Data\autoemail") and keep the copied folder saved in the same location. This will create a backup of the database files.

***Please note that folders’ path mentioned here are the suggested (default) ones, but they could be different. If you need assistance in determining where the active files are located, please contact us at the information below.

  1. From your internet browser, now go to the link provided by Evanced support, then save "Upgrade_v7.zip” to the ..\evanced folder, or its equivalent folder.
  2. Unzip this compressed folder into the ..\evanced\lib folder. This will overwrite some/most of its contents to replace them with the updated files.
  3. Open Internet Explorer or Firefox.
  4. Browse to your Events/Rooms site (may not be working yet) changing the page name to 'erv7upgrade.asp' at the end of the URL, instead of "eventcalendar.asp” or "maintenance.asp”.
  5. Click "Yes” to upgrade, when prompted.
  6. When complete, click "OK”.
  7. Now, test your Events/Room Reserve system by accessing it normally using the public and the staff links, browse to make sure everything looks ok and verify the new version number is reflected on the "About” page (You may have to refresh it).

If you see any errors or problems, please contact support immediately.
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