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Server Move

How do I transfer an existing Events, Room Reserve or Summer Reader system to a different server?

Please review the information in this article to help plan for your site move. Also please make sure that the server you are moving our product(s) too meets the requirements listed here.

System Transfer Instructions

Please remember that the Evanced Support Department is always willing to help or even perform the move for you (for a fee), so if you have any hesitations about performing the move yourself please contact us at support@evancedsolutions.com to schedule your move. Demco no longer supports this task.  

If you intend on performing the move yourself, send us an email requesting the links for the installation programs or be sure to download the following versions:

  • MySQL v5.0.67
  • MyODBC v3.51.12 (v3.51.27 for 64-bit)

The "original” server is the server that currently houses the system.

The "new” server is the server that the system is being moved to. It must run Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2, and be configured with the "Application Server” role. Make sure the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’s Web Service Extensions are configured to allow Active Server Pages or Classic ASP, as they are prohibited by default.

When transferring the system(s) to another server:

 * The MySQL service and ODBC driver need to be installed on the new server. * The web files and MySQL 
database files need to be copied to the new server. * The Data Source Name (ODBC connections) need to be

The following describes how to accomplish the steps required in the transfer process. Please read through all of the steps before starting the transfer.

Installation of MySQL and ODBC connector on the new server:

1. Install MySQL.

  • Download the MySQL installation files from the links provided by Evanced. IMPORTANT: If you download MySQL directly from the MySQL website, please ensure that it is version 5.0.67. Evanced products are designed for a specific version of MySQL and using a different version may cause unknown errors.
  • Install MySQL to the drive that will be used for data storage. Our typical installation resides on C: or D: directly which is not the default destination. We recommend you change it to "C:\MySQL5" when installing.
  • Note the port number used when installing this will be needed later. Typically 3306 or 3307.
  • If the installation is unsuccessful, uninstall and be sure to remove any directories it created. Then try the installation again. If you continue to have trouble please contact our support department at support@evancedsolutions.com.

2. Install the ODBC Connector.

  • Download the ODBC Connector installation files from the links provided by Evanced. IMPORTANT: If you download the ODBC Connector directly from the MySQL website, please ensure that it is version 3.51.12 (v3.51.27 for 64-bit). Evanced products are designed for a specific version of ODBC Connector and using a different version may cause unknown errors.
  • Run the installation program and select the Full Installation.

Archiving the old web site and data.

1. Disabling the old database connection.

  • Open the ODBC connection manager on the Original server. Typically this can be found under 'Start-->Administrative Programs-->Data Sources (ODBC)'.
  • Select the System DSN tab.
  • Make note of the DSN name and the database name it connects to, you will need this later. Delete the ODBC connection for the Evanced products. This will vary depending on which Evanced products you have installed. For Summer Reader customers there will be an 'SR' connection. For Events and/or Rooms there will be an 'Autoemail' connection. For Genealogy it may be called either 'Obit' or 'Genealogy'. You can also disable the connection by just renaming the connection (ie. 'SR_old').

2. Backing up Database files.

  • The database can be stored on any drive and in one of several locations. Again the databases are determined by which Evanced products are installed and how they were named. Typical folder names are: 'SR', 'Autoemail' and 'Obit' or 'Genealogy'. Locate the database files by looking for the product folders in one of these possible locations.
    • "C:\MySQL\Data\" or "D:\MySQL\Data"
    • "C:\MySQL5\Data\" or "D:\MySQL5\Data"
    • "C:\Program Files\MySQL Server\MySQL5\Data\" or "D:\Program Files\MySQL Server\MySQL5\Data"
  • Once located, evaluate the files under the product folder to determine if they have been recently modified to be sure you are looking at the current database folders. Any database that is in use should have some files that have a current modified date. If the file dates are all in the past then this is probably a backup folder.
  • Once you have located all of the current folders copy them by right-clicking on them and choosing copy then clicking in the white space of the same folder area and right-clicking and choosing paste. This should create a "Copy of ..." folder for each folder. This is done so that the original database files can be left intact in case of a mistake later on.
  • Prepare to copy these folders to the new server. You can compress (zip) them before moving if desired.

3. Backing up Web files.

  • The web files are typically located in the root web path under an 'Evanced' folder. Events and Rooms both exist under the same folder, typically 'lib', Summer Reader is typically under 'SR' and Genealogy is under 'Obit' or Genealogy'. So a standard installation would have the product folders located in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\evanced". Check with your IT group if they are not in this default location.
  • Copy the entire "evanced' folder by right-clicking on it and choosing 'copy'. Then paste it in the same location by right-clicking on the white space and choosing 'paste'. This should create a "copy of..." folder for the evanced folder.
  • Prepare to copy this folder to the new server. You can compress (zip) it before moving if desired.

Restoring the data on the new server.

1. Restoring the Web files.

  • Paste the web files that were copied earlier under the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\" folder on the New server or where your IT department determines the 'Evanced' folder should be located.
  • Rename the folders to their original names. ie. "Copy of lib" should be just "lib".

2. Restoring the Database files.

  • Paste the database files that were copied earlier under the "data\" folder on the New server where MySQL was installed earlier.
  • Rename the folders to their original names. ie. "Copy of autoemail" should be just "autoemail".

3. Restoring the database connections.

  • Open the ODBC connection manager on the New server. Typically this can be found under 'Start-->Administrative Programs-->Data Sources (ODBC)'.
  • Select the System DSN tab.
  • Using the DSN names and database folder names recorded earlier rebuild the ODBC connections. Events and Rooms use the same ODBC connection. Summer Reader and Genealogy each have their own ODBC connection. The necessary items in an ODBC connection are:
    • DSN Name --> Same as on the old server
    • Username --> Created during MySQL install
    • Password --> Created during MySQL install
    • Database --> Same as the old server
    • Port --> Determined during MySQL install (Under Connect Options tab)
    • "Change BIGINT Columns to INT" --> Must be checked (Under Advanced, Flags 1 tab)
  • NOTE: You will not be able to select the database until all other options are defined, so select it last.

Note: Remember to go under Email Settings and edit the two fields referring to the system's URL to the new one. Those should be Server Name and Folder Path.

Configure the scheduled task on the new server:

1. Edit the Scheduled Task Batch file.

  • Use My Computer to browse to the evanced\lib folder created earlier.
  • Right-click on the "notify.bat" file and select Edit or Open With and select a simple text editor.
  • The batch file should contain the following line:

HttpRequester.vbs http://localhost/evanced/lib/eventnotify.asp?opmode=all

  • Edit this line to point to your installation. Mainly replace the "localhost" with the path to your web site.

2. Build the Scheduled Task.

  • Open the Scheduled Task Wizard on the server. Typically this can be found under 'Start-->Control Panel-->Scheduled Tasks-->Add Scheduled Task'.
  • Select Next when the wizard starts.
  • Click on Browse and find the "notify.bat" file under the lib directory created earlier and select it.
  • Change the name of the task to something like "Evanced Notify", click Daily then click Next.
  • Select the time you want the notification script to run then click Next. Typically this is during a slow traffic time like 11:00 PM.
  • Enter a user name and password for an account that does not change or remember to change this password whenever your security policy requires you to change passwords.
  • Click Next then click Finish.

3. Test the Scheduled Task

  • Right-click on the scheduled task you just created and select Run.
  • If it runs with no more user interaction then it is installed correctly.
  • If it requires ANY user interaction then this must be addressed or it will not run automatically.

NOTE: One common issue is a popup that requires user interaction to click on OK to continue running. If this window is displayed, be sure to check the box for "Do Not Display This Warning Again". Failure to check this box will cause the task to fail.

Now you can test your system. 

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