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Upgrading MySQL Database from 3 to 5

The Evanced Event Calendar, Room Reserve and Summer Reader software version 7 and up requires the use of MySQL5. If your system is upgraded you may need to upgrade MySQL as well. The following information contains detailed instructions on installing MySQL and upgrading your database from 3 to 5 for use with the newer versions of Events, Room Reserve and Summer Reader. These instructions do not remove the MySQL 3 installation. Rather it simply adds MySQL 5. Any existing applications using MySQL 3 will continue to operate.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you have more than one version of MySQL already running on this server please contact support for special instructions.
Required Evanced software versions for using MySQL 5
* Event Calendar version 6.5 or newer
* Room Reserve version 6.5 or newer
* Summer Reader version 7 or newer

Upgrading to MySQL 5.0

Determining what version you are currently running

To determine the version of MySQL being used by your system run the following command from the 'bin' folder under the 'MySQL' directory or contact suupport@evancedsolutions.com.

c:\mysqladmin -V
mysqladmin  Ver 8.41 Distrib 5.0.67  for Win32on ia32

The version of MySQL is listed after the "Distrib".

Installing MySQL 5.0.67

Please note that moving the database will involve minor interruption of the site, so it is recommended to make this change during the slowest traffic.

Send an email to support@evancedsolutions.com requesting the download links and passwords for obtaining the MySQL 5 and ODBC 3.51 installation files. Download MySQL 5.0 and then run it selecting the "Complete” installation option (take a note of port# used). And also download the MySQL 5.0 ODBC driver "3.51” and then run it.

Ensure that MySQL 5.0 installed successfully and is running (check for the "MySQL5" service in the Services Panel). If not, use the uninstall functions to remove it. Be sure that all MySQL 5 files have been removed and the "MySQL5" service is no longer running before trying to reinstall.

Moving your database

  1. Disable the old ODBC connection by going to the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" usually under "Administrative Tools" and either removing the ODBC connection or renaming it. Make a note of the name of this connection as it will be needed later.
  2. Copy the database folder ("autoemail" for Events and Room Reserve and "sr" for Summer Reader) from its MySQL 3 location (usually c:\MySQL\data) to its new MySQL 5 location (c:\MySQL5\data).

Adding the new ODBC connection

NOTE: To confirm the DSN name, go to your system’s web folder (usually in this location: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\evanced\lib),
open the "common” folder then open "defines.inc" file using Notepad.
The DSN name should be listed there somewhere in the first part of that file (DSN="autoemail").
  1. Click the Add button
  2. Select MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver from the list and hit finish.
  3. On the Login tab:
    1. Data source name (use the same previous name ie. DSN="autoemail").
    2. User: root
    3. Password: "This is your MySQL master password. Create something memorable and write this down!"
  4. On the Connect Options tab:
    1. Port 3306 or 3307 according to your install.
  5. On the Advanced tab:
    1. Make sure the option to "Change BIGINT to Columns to Int” is checked.
  6. Now go back to the Login tab, select the Database from the drop down list and save.
  7. Go to your Events, Room Reserve or Summer Reader system link to make sure it is back up.
  8. It is recommended to rename the old database folder (previously in c:\MySQL\data) to indicate that it is old or not used. Sometimes renaming will not be allowed until the connection to the old database has been completely terminated, which may take a few minutes.

Upgrading your site

If your site was not previously on a version that supported MySQL5 then you will need to complete the upgrade process before it will function properly. This include copying the upgrade files into the web folder and running the upgrade script. Once complete your site should come back up running on MySQL5.

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