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How do I mark a no-show?


Attendance and No Show

Q: I am sorry, but I have been looking all over for this. I can see the list of attendance and I can cancel registration, but... how do I mark them as "no show"?

A: The "No Show" functionality is only enabled when the "Enforce 24HR Notice:" system setting is set to "Yes". This setting is per branch and can be found in "System Settings & Configuration-->System Settings".

Once this setting is enabled you will see a check box on the attendance page for marking an attendee as a "No Show".

Note: the "No Show" functionality will not place patrons on the waiting list after three no shows unless you also select the "Must Give Cancellation Notice" option.

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Comments (4) Comments
Comment by Evanced Solutions on Thu, Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:01 PM
1. After being marked as a no-show, they will be put on the waiting list for all subsequent events they sign up for.2. No, there is no notification of why they are put on the waiting list. If they have question as to why they aren‘t registered, they will call the library.Note, their status doesn‘t actually change. They will not be moved to the wait list for events they are currently registered for. However, the next time they register, they will be put on the waiting list.
Comment by Carol Rynk on Tue, Jun 26th, 2012 at 4:47 PM
So if a patron is on the probation list for no-showing 3x in 6mos, does he go on the wait list for the current program, or is he waitlisted for future progams? Also, does the system automaticallly send him an email informing him of, and explaining why, his status has changed?
Comment by Evanced Solutions on Wed, Jan 25th, 2012 at 6:47 AM
If you have been marking no-shows and having past events require the 24hr notice before cancellation, it will take effect once you enforce the 24 hour rule in system configuration. If a patron has 3 no-shows when you enforce the rule (the 3 did not have to be marked while enforce was enabled), they will be placed on the waitlist once they register. The probation list can be reset for each individual patron by going to their account and clicking reset next to their no-shows. That will allow them to register again.
Comment by Ingrid Lebolt on Tue, Jan 24th, 2012 at 8:20 AM
We do not have Enable 24hr notice turned on but are considering doing so. I understand that after enabling, users are put on probation if they are "no shows" 3x in a 6 month period.Is there a way to populate the no show list so that it includes people who were consistent no shows prior to the setting being enabled? Also, is the probation list permanent or are there rules/methods for removing someone from the list?
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