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FAQ Email Verify Upcoming Changes

Our initial release covering email verification was to resolve the immediate need. We are now making several changes that will impact the entire Evanced suite. There will be further, more detailed documentation once we release our changes.

As of April 5th 2016, the below changes have been implemented within Evanced products. Documentation over these changes can be found at the below links:

For more information towards this overall process, refer to our SES overview article.

For information pertaining to our New Core products, refer to the New Core Approach article.

For information covering our Classic products, refer to the Classic Products Approach article.

What improvements will you be making to the email verification process?

The following changes will impact SignUp, Spaces, D!BS, and BrainHQ.

  • The verification link contained within the opt-in verification email will now stay active for 72 hours. (extended from 24 hours)
  • If a patron is registered with a non-verified email, the confirmation message will instruct them to look for the verification email. This will occur for staff and patron side registrations.
  • Non-verified emails will display as red when viewing the Find Patron page.
  • Users with edit patron permission will have the ability to resend the verification email if the link has expired.
  • Patrons will have the ability to request another verification email by sending an email to verify@evancedsolutions.com directly from their email account.
  • Admin users will be able to utilize a unique URL to check on a single patron's verification status. (also capable of resending the verification email)
  • Style changes to the outbound verification email making the verification process more intuitive for the patron.

The following changes will impact Events and Room Reserve.

  • The verification link contained within the opt-in verification email will now stay active for 72 hours. (extended from 24 hours)
  • There is now integrated language letting a customer know to check for a verification email when certain email triggering events occur.
  • Patrons will have the ability to request another verification email by sending an email to verify@evancedsolutions.com directly from their email account.
  • Admin users will be able to utilize a unique URL to check on a single patron's verification status (and resend the verification email.)
  • Style changes to the outbound verification email making the verification process more intuitive for the patron.

Is this your permanent solution to the email verification issue?

Changes which have been completed towards the verification workflow will provide multiple ways for customers and patrons to successfully verify their email address, thus addressing the main pain-points of the process while still maintaining the required compliance to these standards.  Should these standards change, Evanced will respond accordingly.

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