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How to add a logo or website header to my calendar page

Evanced Events application allows for insertion of a simple header code/logo into their source code for the purpose of personalizing the library's calendar page. Please note that there are limitations to the type of code that can be used. Evanced support department might request modifications to be made to the supplied header code, when known issues are expected to affect the system's performance.

General tips:
  • If you need to use CSS code, please make sure you create unique class definitions for your Evanced header to avoid any style conflicts with existing code used on that page.
  • HTML's Form tags are not allowed.
  • Minimal JavaScript, Flash, other (if any) 
  • Recommended logo image size is 150px*150Ppx
  • Other limitations might apply.

For customers whose sites are hosted on Evanced servers:

Hosted customers can send their header code to Evanced Support for inclusion into their site. Simply save your code as a text file, include any image files that you cannot host yourself and email all of it to support@evancedsolutions.com. We'll add it to your site and let you know when it has been updated.

For customers whose sites are installed on their own server:

Installed customers can edit the "defines.inc" file directly. Be sure to create a copy of the original file before editing. Mistakes made while editing this file can cause unexpected results. This file is typically located under "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\evanced\lib\common\".

See 'Editing' below for locations where code can be added.


Below is the code for the DisplayHeader routine found in the "defines.inc" file.

Use Notepad or another text editor to modify the code. Make a copy of the original before making changes to the code. Some versions of Dreamweaver have caused problems with the file so that is not a recommended editor to use.

There a couple of options for adding images, and associated HTML if needed.

1) If the image is smaller and is to appear in the upper left corner then see the Option 1 label below. Add the image tag between the <td width="10%"> and closing </td> tags.

2) If the image is to be centered at the top then the image tag and associated HTML can be inserted above the <table> or within the <td width="80%" align="center">, before the HeaderTextStr. See Option 2 and Option 3

'Common Header Routine For Patron Pages
Sub DisplayHeader(TitleText, HeaderText, LibNameFlag)

If LibNameFlag = LIBHEADER Then
            HeaderTextStr = LIBNAME & "<BR>" & HeaderText

            HeaderTextStr = HeaderText
End If

<%       If WRITESTYLES = "1" Then%>
                        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="niftyCorners.css">
                        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="niftyPrint.css" media="print">
                        <script type="text/javascript" src="nifty.js"></script>
                        <style type="text/css">
<%                   ShowStyle "public"%>
<%       Else%>
                        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dynamicsheet.asp?st=public">
<%       End If%>
<div id="header">
                                                ?Option 2
<table border="0" width="100%">
    <td width="10%"></td>                      ?Option 1
    <td width="80%" align="center">
                                                ?Option 3
<div class="title"><%=HeaderTextStr%></div>
    <td width="10%"><!--#include FILE="textadjust.asp"--></td>
End Sub
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