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Understanding System Settings (Individual Branch Mode)

The Systems Settings page for individual branches is different than the System Settings in All Branches mode. This article is for individual branches ONLY. You can access this menu by logging into an individual branch and clicking on the Systems Configuration and Settings menu. For more detail on any of these settings, read this article.

There are four sections to this menu. The first is Registration Settings.

Enable Staff Side Group Registration Allows staff to register multiple people for an event as a group under one single name.
Enable Staff Editing of Internal notes on Attendance Page Allows staff to edit internal notes on the attendance page.
Enable Staff Viewing of Internal Notes on Registration Page Allows staff to see the internal notes on a registration page.
Enable Notes Entry for Patron Registration Allows a custom text field to be added to registration forms that staff can edit.
Maximum Number of Patron Recalls Set the maximum number of times the 'recall information' button can be used for a single patron. This would prevent a patron from mass registering for too many events in one sitting.
Enforce 24 HR Notice

Registered Patrons must cancel their reservation 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so 3 times in 6 months will result in a probation period during which they are automatically sent to a waiting list. Patrons are no longer on probation 6 months after their last no-show date.

Enabling this option also automatically moves patrons from the waiting list to the registered list upon another patron's cancellation.

Enable 24 HR Message Determines whether the 24-hour advanced notice cancellation reminder appears at the bottom of the Event Registration Form
Enable Registration Limit Allows staff with appropriate password level to by-pass preset registration limits.
Unlimited Registration Password Level Sets the level of staff password necessary to by-pass registration limits.

The next level down is Event Entry Settings.

Default Time The default time that events begin
Default Setup Time Default amount of time to schedule for setup before an event.
Default Takedown Time Default amount of time to schedule for takedown after an event
Maximum Recurring Occurrences How many times can one single event recur?
Require Location Selection Does every event have to have a fixed location in the library?
Enable Card Number Stipulation Do registrants need a library card number to register?
Set "No Waiting List" default to checked Registration will default to no waiting list.
Enable Auditing Creates a trail showing who created and edited events
Enable Address Stipulation Allows you to control when and how a particular address requirement is applied to registration.
Enable Custom Stipulation (up to 6) You can create up to 6 custom requirements for registration.
Enable Publish Features Determines if events are able to be published.
Publishing Password Level What security level is allowed to publish events.
Auto Archive Option Controls when and how events are automatically moved to the Event Archive
Always Show Registration Settings Hides or shows registration options within the Add Event page depending on whether registration is required for an event.
Outside of standard hours checking Allows the system to determine whether and event’s start and end time are outside of the library’s normal operating hours. The drop down list displays options based on a 24-hour clock (military time). This is primarily used for checking
time entry mistakes (i.e., 1:00a.m. v. 1:00p.m)

The next level down is Attendance Settings.

Enable Auto-Waiting List Move w/Email The system will automatically move a member of the waiting list to the active list in the event of a cancellation. The newly registered patron will also receive a system email notifying them of their change in status. The event’s contact or the Default Internal Contact also receives the status change e-mail for information and follow-up purposes in the event the attendee does not provide and e-mail address.
Enable Auto Status Change Emails Whenever a patron has their status change in regards to their registration, they'll receive a system email. Here are the instructions for customizing that email.
Optional Statistical Inputs Creates a place on the Attendance sheet to record specific demographic/assorted information.

The final area is Calendar Settings

Enable Multi-branch Determines whether the system is a single branch or multi-branch system. Note: Single
branch systems wanting to create a private staff calendar should set this field to Yes.
Calendar Title What is the title of your Events Calendar?
Use Library Name Determines whether the library’s name appears at the top of the public calendar view.
Use Digg Links Enables the patron to use the Digg service.
Use Delicious Links Enables the patron to use the delicious service.

Settings can be saved or saved and then applied to all branches. This will override the previous settings for each individual branch.

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  • Applicable To: Admin Users
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  • Summary: System Settings
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