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Room Reserve Installation Instructions

Please remember that the Evanced Support Department is always willing to help or even perform the installation for you, so if you have any hesitations about performing the installation yourself please contact us at support@evancedsolutions.com to schedule your installation. If you intend on performing the installation yourself, send us an email requesting the links for the installation programs.

Applies to version 7 and newer of the Room Reserve software

The installation server is the server that the system is being installed on. It must run Windows 2003/2008 Server or newer, and be configured with the "Application Server” role. For Windows 2003 Server or newer, make sure the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’s Web Service Extensions are configured to allow Active Server Pages or Classic ASP, as they are prohibited by default.

The installation process includes the following steps:

  • The MySQL service and ODBC driver need to be installed on the server.
  • The installation web files and default MySQL database files need to be copied to the new server.
  • The Data Source Name (ODBC connections) needs to be configured.

The following describes how to accomplish the steps required in the installation process. Please read through all of the steps before starting the installation.

Installation of MySQL and ODBC connector on server:

  1. Install MySQL.
    • Download the MySQL installation files from the links provided by Evanced. IMPORTANT: Do not download MySQL directly from the MySQL website. Evanced products are designed for a specific version of MySQL and using a different version may cause unknown errors.
    • Install MySQL to the drive that will be used for data storage. Our typical installation resides on C: or D: directly (ie. "c:\MySQL5").
    • Note the port number used when installing this will be needed later. Typically 3306 or 3307.
    • If the installation is unsuccessful, uninstall and be sure to remove any directories it created and the MySQL5 service. Then try the installation again. If you continue to have trouble please contact our support department at support@evancedsolutions.com.
  2. Install ODBC Connector.
    • Download the ODBC Connector installation files from the links provided by Evanced. IMPORTANT: Do not download the ODBC Connector directly from the MySQL website. Evanced products are designed for a specific version of ODBC Connector and using a different version may cause unknown errors.
    • Run the installation program and select the Full Installation.

Installation of the web files and default database:

  1. Locate the default web site location on the server.
    • The standard default is: "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\"
    • Verify the default web site location by going to "Start-->Programs-->Administrative Tools-->Internet Services Manager", click on the computer name, right-click on the default web site, select Properties, click on the Home Directory Tab.
    • The local path setting displays the physical location of where the web site starts. Make a note of this path.
  2. Create the Evanced folder.
    • Use My Computer to navigate to the default web site location noted above.
    • Create a folder in this location called evanced.
    • Navigate into the evanced folder and create a folder called lib.
  3. Install the web pages.
    • Use the links sent from Evanced and save the calendarsystem_vXX.zip file (where XX is the product version) to the evanced folder created above.
    • Unzip the calendarsystem_vXX.zip file into the evanced\lib folder created above.
  4. Install the database files.
    • Use the links sent from Evanced and save the vXX_install_db.zip file to the evanced folder created above.
    • Unzip the vXX_install_db.zip file into the database data folder folder created above. (typically "c:\MySQL5\Data")

Configuration of the database connector (ODBC/DSN):

  1. Open the ODBC connection manager on the server. Typically this can be found under 'Start-->Administrative Programs-->Data Sources (ODBC)'.
  2. Select the System DSN tab and click add.
  3. Click on the 'MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver' and click finish.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab and check the box next to 'Change BIGINT Columns to Int'.
  5. Click on the Connect Options tab and enter the port number used during the installation for the port value.
  6. Click on the Login tab and enter the following values:
    DSN Name --> autoemail
    Username --> root
    Password --> evanced
  7. Click on the Test button. You should receive a "Connection was made" message. If not, review the previous steps and ensure that all settings are correct.
  8. Select the autoemail database from the database droplist.
NOTE: You will not be able to select the database until all other options are defined and are correct, so select it last.

Verify the installation:

  1. Open Internet Explorer/Firefox/Google Chrome and enter "localhost/evanced/lib/about.asp" in the address bar. If the About window does not appear then there are problems with the webfile installation or IIS configuration. Please review the previous steps and/or contact support@evancedsolutions.com.
  2. If the previous test passed then enter "localhost/evanced/lib/roommaintenance.asp" in the address bar. If login screen does not appear then there are problems with the database installation or ODBC configuration. Please review the previous steps and/or contact support@evancedsolutions.com.

Update to the newest minor revision:

  1. Use the links sent from Evanced and save the "Upgrade vXX.zip" file (where XX is the product version) to the evanced folder created above.
  2. Unzip the "Upgrade vXX.zip" file to the evanced\lib folder. Be sure to check the box for "Use folder names and select Yes for "Overwrite all files."
  3. Open Internet Explorer/Firefox/Google Chrome and enter "localhost/evanced/lib/ervXupgrade.asp" in the address bar (X is the product version) and click on Yes to run the upgrade script. When complete click OK.
  4. Test the site by entering "localhost/evanced/lib/roommaintenance.asp" in the address bar. If login screen does not appear then there were problems with the update. Please review the previous steps and/or contact support@evancedsolutions.com.

Now you can test your system. Again please contact support@evancedsolutions.com if you have any questions, problems or just would like us to perform the installation for you.

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