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Demco Software FAQ

1. What’s happening?

  • Demco, Inc. is uniting Boopsie mobile apps and Evanced software into one division within Demco called Demco Software.
  • Boopsie mobile apps, Wandoo Reader, SignUp, Spaces, D!BS and BrainHQTM— products you currently know and love from Boopsie and Evanced — will continue to be available. They will also be actively supported and updated. We will continue to support existing customers who use Evanced classic products — Summer Reader, Events and Room Reserve — and we will help you transition to the newer products when you’re ready.
  • The talented Boopsie and Evanced people that you are used to working with — sales consultants, support specialists, customer service representatives, developers, product owners and quality assurance testers — are now Demco coworkers as part of the Demco Software division.

2. Why is this happening?

Demco, Inc. loves libraries and is committed to providing the best solutions for you at all times. Demco Software brings together the best of Evanced and Boopsie and now provides a more integrated, comprehensive solution to increase your community’s engagement with your library. This allows us to leverage Demco’s more than 115 years of library focus and dedication in order to accelerate the innovation and value you receive from us.

The Demco Software division also provides the best of both worlds: The ability to leverage Demco’s knowledge and resources, while retaining the focus and unique capabilities of a software organization.

3. When is this happening?

Demco Software’s launch will commence at the American Library Association’s Midwinter conference on January 20, 2017.

4. What does this mean for me as a Boopsie or Evanced customer?

You’ll continue to receive the same great service from our software developers, support teams and customer success managers. You will also gain an even broader, more integrated set of solutions accessible in one place to help you better engage your community.

More than Demco Software being a uni ed brand under Demco, Inc., you’ll also bene t from top programming ideas, insights from your peers and on-trend information. Plus, you’ll have the convenience and reassurance that all of the products and solutions you need are available from Demco.

5. I’m a current Demco customer, what can I expect?

You’ll continue to receive the same high level of service and satisfaction across all Demco’s solutions, including supplies, equipment, furniture, promotions and design services. In addition, everyone gains access to market- leading community engagement, management and mobile solutions through Demco Software.

6. Will my Evanced and Boopsie products be going away?

Absolutely NOT! We will continue to support your library’s Evanced and Boopsie products with the same high level of service that you expect. We are committed to serving you in new and better ways and will keep improving our products to meet your needs.

7. Will there be a lapse in my service?

No. As with any software, we will always strive to give users the best possible experience and continually improve your experience. You will notice that Evanced’s and Boopsie’s individual corporate branding will be replaced with our new Demco Software logo.

8. I purchase through a contract (i.e., state contract, consortium, subscription contract, etc.). Will my contract transfer to Demco Software?

Yes, your contract will automatically transfer to Demco Software. See question 13 for more information about setting up Demco as an approved vendor.

9. Where do I go for online information in the future?

For now, you can continue going to the same websites that you normally use and have bookmarked. In the near future, we will create one website for Demco Software. You will receive noti cation well in advance of this website’s deployment so that you will know when to start using it and what is in store for you.

10. What should I know about Demco?

Demco provides a unique collection of capabilities and solutions based on the evolving needs of your library today and into the future. For over a century, Demco has been serving the needs of America’s libraries and schools with a broad o ering of over 50,000 products from everyday supplies, innovative furniture and space planning services, as well as, programming, technology and software solutions. Demco provides more of what librarians need with in-depth library expertise and a customer- rst philosophy to support your ever-changing library and connect you to leading-edge products and ideas.

11. Where do I send payments and who should I make my check out to?

When you receive your next purchase order or invoice, it will come from Demco Software. As a division of Demco, Inc., please remit your payment to:

P.O. Box 8774
Madison, WI 53708

12. What are my points of contact during the Demco Software transition?

Demco Software Billing
Phone: 877.234.2962
Email: softwarebilling@demco.com

Demco Software Sales
Phone: 866.434.5098
Email: softwaresales@demco.com

Customer Support:
Spaces, SignUp, D!BS, Wandoo Reader and BrainHQTM products Room Reserve, Events and Summer Reader classic products
One option for a fast response is to submit our online contact form. This is located at: evancedsolutions.com/help
You may also call 888.519.5770.

Customer Support:
Boopsie product
You can call 855.935.5926.
You can access online assistance at: boopsieinc.zendesk.com

13. As a Boopsie or Evanced customer, what do I need to do?

If your organization is not already a Demco customer, you’ll need to ensure Demco, Inc. is set up as an approved vendor. To do this, you can download Demco’s W-9 form at: demco.com/webprd_demco/html/main_body/ help/images/transition_faqs/demco_w9_without_datasheet.pdf.

For additional help setting up Demco as an approved vendor, please contact our billing team at softwarebilling@demco.com or 877.234.2962.

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