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Running Reports in SignUp

You can run reports in SignUp. You can run a Patron Report, Event Report, or a Combined Report. All reports follow the same basic configuration procedure. The differences between the reports are a Patron Report returns a list of patrons, an Event Report returns a list of events, and a Combined Report returns both (each result in this report is a patron registration for the given event.) 

After selecting a type of report to run, use the arrow tabs at the top of the page to configure the report by the following categories:
  • Dates - filter by Dates (event date or registration date)
    • "Dynamic Date" allows you to run the report based on "today," "this week," "last month," etc.
    • "Static Date" allows you to run the report based on a specific date range.
  • Filters - filter by Event Type, Age Group, and Location

You can also include only the fields you want via the Fields Included tab. Drag and drop the fields you want to the "Fields In Report" side. Drag and drop any fields you don't want to the "Fields Not In Report" side.


If you wish to run your report at a later time, you can save the report configuration as the bottom of the page. Combined with a "Dynamic Date," this provides quick access to frequently-requested data such as "this month's events" or "last month's registrations." If you don't wish to save the report, click "Run Report" to run it immediately.

Running the report opens a new browser window. Therein you will have the option to print the report or export it to CSV (a popular generic spreadsheet format) or as an Excel file.
Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: Staff Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: SignUp reports
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