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Understanding Email Settings

The system will automatically send emails to patrons if enabled. These settings control the way those emails are return addressed. You can access these settings via the System Configuration and Settings menu in Events as well as in Rooms.

Note: these options are ONLY available to individual branches. Some of these tasks can completed in All Branch mode, via the Email Server Settings.

"From" Name
What name appears as the sender of the email
"From" Email Address
What address appears as the sender. For hosted customers: this address MUST be verified through our server. Contact Support for questions.
Default "To" Internal Name:
What name are internal emails sent to?
Default "To" Internal Email Address(es)
What email addresses receive internal emails?
Use BCC when copying internal Email Address
Blind Carbon Copy hides each recipient of an email from all other recipients.

Be sure to save and test settings.
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