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Setup for Elavon/Evanced Payment Processor Integration

In order for the Evanced’s software to work with Elavon as a payment processor, the following payment fields need to be configured as required (except email address which can be optional).

These settings are found under Terminal->Merchant->Payment Fields (See screen shot below of Virtual Merchant system). The list will ONLY contain fields that are required and all other fields should be set to not required. Your display names may differ from the list below.


Display Name Required Field Name System Field
Card Number Yes ssl_account_data System Field
Expiration Date(MMYY) Yes ssl_exp_date System Field
Amount Yes ssl_amount System Field
CVV2 Indicator Yes ssl_cvv2cvc2_indicator System Field
security code Yes ssl_cvv2cvc2 System Field
Approval Code Yes ssl_approval_code System Field
First Name Yes ssl_first_name System Field
Last name Yes ssl_last_name System Field
Address1 Yes ssl_avs_address System Field
City Yes ssl_city System Field
State/Province Yes ssl_state System Field
Postal Code Yes ssl_avs_zip System Field
Email Address No ssl_email System Field

Here is an example of the settings page:


An additional note over Elavon processing configurations: there are different credentials used for Test and Live Modes. For more information over these credentials, click here.

Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: Admin Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: How to set up Elavon payment
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