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Ecommerce Quick Start Guide

Once Evanced has enabled your ability to process credit cards online, this guide is meant to help you setup your system and take advantage of the features offered.

NOTE: This should be done at the ALL BRANCHES level in a multi-branch system and then copied to applicable branches.


Payflow Pro Quick Configuration

Settings ? System Configuration & Settings ? Credit Card Settings

1. Enable Processing is the switch that turns on credit card processing. If for some reason you want to disable this temporarily, you can switch it to "No” and the system will work as it always has.

2. Processing URL will be filled out by Evanced, but basically this points to the files in a secure location which actually handle the transactions.
3. Processing Company is payflow pro, for this example.
4. Partner, Merchant Login, User and Password is where you setup the processor login information, just like you would log into http://manager.paypal.com .

5. Processing Mode is so you can test credit card process to make sure that the process works before you set it to live.

6. Comment is for passing extra information through with the process, for example "South Branch Room Reservation”. This information is displayed on payflow pro’s credit report system, and can make for easier understanding of transactions.

7. Card Processing Choices are if for some reason you want to disable the use of a certain card brand.


Now that your system is configured – how do you process transactions?

This page is the payment details page which comes up after you click Continue to Payment Options from the room request summary page.

1. Grand Total shows you what the total charge for your reservation is, including food and equipment, and any deposits.

2. How would you like to pay? Lets you select check, and the system works like it used to, or credit card, and the screen changes to let you put in your credit card information.


The rest of the page is like any other online credit card form, it requires you to use the card’s billing address & put in the CCV located on the back.
So you’ve gone through the process and the system tells you you’ve reserved your room…


Now What?

1. Staff Reservations which don’t need to be accepted by an Admin user get automatically processed as a sale. The transaction goes through immediately, and the reservation goes to Accepted Reservations.

2. Patron Reservations go through the usual process of being placed in Pending Requests. The credit card transaction is run as an authorization, checking that they have enough funds in the account to make this a sale. When the Reservation is Accepted, the previous authorization is "captured” which means that funds are sent form the patron to the library and the sale is complete.

Credit Card Authorizations need to be "captured” (meaning you need to accept the reservation) within 7 days, otherwise the process needs to be started over. Between authorization happening and funds being captured, the funds are on hold.

Upon denial of the reservation, the hold on funds placed during authorization is removed. Thus patron's card doesn't get charged for it. A refund in this case is NOT necessary.

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