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SignUp - Events XML Feed URL Variables

You can create custom RSS or XML feeds in SignUp.

To build your feed, take your base URL:

https://[Your URL]/signupadmin/eventsxml.aspx?dm=xml&nd=30&kw=test

Everything before .aspx is your base feed. To build a feed, add a ? then dm= to set up what kind of feed you are building.
Note: You will want to utilize https:// secure access when utilizing your feed in external utilities or importing tools. 

Note: The RSS and RSS2 feeds were enhanced in 2022 to better utilize namespaces/tags.  The old version of the RSS feed merged the Event Date Start/End, Description & Location fields together into the Description field.  Now a new namespace split those fields, so each field is displayed separately.  You may need to make some adjustments with your feed reader so it can read the information from the new tags.  The three new tags are <ev:startdate> for start date and time of the item (the event), <ev:enddate> for the end date and time of the event, and <ev:location> for the location of the event.

Other switches are as follow.
  • Display Mode - dm=
    • ical, rss, rss2, xml, exml or html
  • Number of Days - nd=
    • 30 or any positive integer value
    • overrides "df=calendar" switch and forces list view
    • "nd=0" returns today's events, "nd=1" returns today's and tomorrow's dates, etc.

  • Date Offset - do=
    • any integer value - accepts positive and negative values
    • offsets what the nd= switch uses as "today"
    • example: do=7&nd=7 returns a week's worth of events starting with events 7 days from now
    • example: do=-30&nd=60 returns 60 days worth of events: the last 30 days and the next 30 days
  • Keyword - kw=
    • any single word or phrase - keyword searches on Description, Title, Tags, and Presenter if a specific presenter is not specified.
  • Date Start - startDate, or ds=
    • A date value in YYYY/MM/DD format.
    • on list view, the events shown start at this date.
  • Date End - endDate, or de=
    • A date value in YYYY/MM/DD format.
    • on list view, the events shown start at this date.
    • this doesn't do anything on calendar view.
  • Presenter - ps=
    • any name, first, last or combined, of a desired presenter.
  • Featured Events - fe=
    • 1 - This displays featured events only.
  • Ongoing Events - ongoing=
    • The feed's default behavior is to not display ongoing events.
    • Add this switch and set it to 1 to display ongoing events.
  • Specific Locations (branches) - lib=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the library ID.
    • 0,999,1003,1009,1016 for multiple, where these numbers are the library IDs. No spaces.
    • all indicates "all branches" (i.e. system-wide would be lib=all)
    • Branch IDs start in the 1000s as show above. Your branch IDs may vary.
  • Specific Spaces (rooms) - loc=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the room ID.
    • 1,2,4,6,23 for multiple, where these numbers are the room IDs. No spaces.
  • Specific Age Groups - ag=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the age group ID.
    • 1,3,5,8,13 for multiple, where these numbers are the age group IDs. No spaces.
  • Specific Event Types - et=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the event type ID.
    • 3,1,4,15,92 for multiple, where these numbers are the event type IDs. No spaces.
  • Start count - startcount=
    • What item we want to start on - for paging a resultset.
  • Result limit - limit=
    • How many results come back - to limit the amount we get.
  • Specific Events - eventID=
    • 123 for event # 123
  • Private Events - private=
    • 0 = [Default] Only shows public events.
    • 1 = shows both public & private events.
    • 2 = shows only private events.
    • A private event is an event that is either created on a private branch or has a private event type.

  • Events Occurring Prior to "Now" - alltime=
    • 0 = [Default] Does not display events from today which occurred prior to the time of accessing the feed
    • 1 = Displays events from today which occurred prior to the time of accessing the feed

  • Spaces Reservations - roominfo=
    • = include Spaces Reservations.
    • This will work even with the "Spaces Reservation" event type set to "Private."
    • Cannot be used when using the EXML display mode.

Please note that Evanced's support is limited to the functionality of the SignUp XML/RSS feeds and the way it looks independently. Evanced does not provide support for implementing the XML/RSS feeds on your site, nor does it provide support for XML/RSS feeds after installation on your site.

Custom Fields
  • Applicable To: All Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: Construct XML or RSS feeds, among other types, from SignUp.
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Evanced Support on Mon, May 13th, 2013 at 11:42 AM
http://yourlibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventsXml.aspx?dm=rss2is the base url
Comment by Beth Hatch on Wed, May 1st, 2013 at 4:18 PM
Do I need to create an XML document and upload it to our server or can I just use the base URL to create the feed? I tried imputing our URL followed by ?dm=rss and entering it into a reader and it states that "no valid feeds could be found"
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