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E-Notify Status Notification

We often get asked about the meaning of the E-Notify Status Notification Email that looks like this:

Subject: E-Notify Status

Event Search Successful: 4
Event Reminder Search Successful: 3
Room Reminder Search Successful: 3

You will only receive this email if you have filled the field out: Nightly Status "To" Email Address on the email settings page.

This email represents a quick report that shows how many upcoming event notifications, event reminders, and reservation reminders went out each night in order.

According to your configuration, you have the notifications go out:

  • 7 days in advance for upcoming notifications (patrons who have selected to get notified about particular types of events will get these). In the example above 4.
  • 2 days in advance for event reminders (patrons who have selected to get reminded about events that don't have registration, or registered in some with an email address will get these). In the example above 3.
  • 2 days in advance for room reservation reminders (patrons who have reserved a room and provided an email address will get these). In the example above 3.
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Nate Dunlevy on Tue, Nov 6th, 2012 at 1:07 PM
The date can‘t be added, but the notifications always go out at the same time each day.If you have questions about when the notifications send, contact support@evancedsolutions.com for more information. They‘ll tell you when the notification goes out and what day it applies for.
Comment by Tracy on Tue, Nov 6th, 2012 at 11:51 AM
Could the date of these statistics be added into the text of these messages? Ours are sent just before or just after midnight so we can‘t rely on the date of the email to be the same as the date for the statistics. Even better would be a monthly report of these numbers so we don‘t need to add them by hand! ;)
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