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Adding Facebook Thumbs-up Button to Events

Note: Please only follow these instructions if you have basic experience in editing code.

This article is in regards the feature described in our blog post:

To add this feature to your Events calendar, your Events calendar version needs to be at least 7.14. If this is the case, then this "Facebook Like" feature is supported. If your system is on an earlier version, please email support at support@evancedsolutions.com to get it updated.

The next thing that you need to determine is whether your Events calendar application is hosted on your own server or server that belongs to Evanced Solutions. Usually, you can tell if you look at your calendar system's web address (URL), If it has the domain "evanced.info" in it, then please email support at support@evancedsolutions.com to get it added. If you host your calendar on your own server and have version 7.14 or higher, then below is the minor code update that you will need to make. Keep in mind, that if you would prefer that Evanced support staff handle this part, we will be more than happy to take care of it for you. Evanced staff will just need a remote access method to your server.
1- Find the "defines.inc" file that resides in the common folder of your Evanced web folder installation and create a copy of it for back up.
2- Open the "defines.inc" file in Notepad and insert the following line of code:
<!--#include FILE="facebook_meta.inc"-->  
in two spots:
  • Right after the starting <head> tag in the "Common Header Routine For Patron Pages" section.
  • Right after the starting <head> tag in the "Common Header Routine For Maintenance Pages" section.
3- Save defines.inc.
Here is a sample of how that section of the code will look like after the insertion of the facebook include file:
Sub DisplayHeader(TitleText, HeaderText, LibNameFlag)

If LibNameFlag = LIBHEADER Then
HeaderTextStr = LIBNAME & "<BR>" & HeaderText
HeaderTextStr = HeaderText
End If


<!--#include FILE="facebook_meta.inc"-->

<%If WRITESTYLES = "1" Then %>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="niftyCorners.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="niftyPrint.css" media="print">
<script type="text/javascript" src="nifty.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
<%ShowStyle "public" %>
<%Else %>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dynamicsheet.asp?st=public">
<%End If %>

<div id="header">
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%" align="center"><div class="title"><%=HeaderTextStr%></div></td>
<td width="10%"><!--#include FILE="textadjust.asp"--></td>
End Sub

4- Access your calendar pages from both staff and patron sides, clicking on an event to make sure the Like button is showing up on the event's details page and actually working. 
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