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Events Search Widget

Please note that working with widgets requires basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
The search widget allows you to embed a detailed search box on your website for searching your Evanced calendar of events. It will look similar to this:
The options shown on the widget reflect your calendar's configuration and selections.
Once the user has selected their search criteria and hit the search button, they will be directed to the calendar that shows events meeting those criteria.
To download the widget, please click on the file attached below.
This file is currently tied to our demo calendar to show you how it works. Here are the two things you will need to edit (by opening the file in Notepad); to configure it with your calendar system:
1- Find this line:
then replace the section in red with its equivalent from your calendar URL.
So, let us say that your public event calendar link reads:
http://test.evanced.info/libraryname/evanced/eventcalendar.asp (This is not a real a link, just an example)
Then the section you are looking for is this: "test.evanced.info/libraryname/evanced".
2- Also, find this line:
And again replace the section in red with its equivalent from your calendar URL.
Now, save the file and test it by opening it from a browser window to make sure it works as expected.
If it is working properly, do the following:
1- Copy the code between <head> and </head> tags, then paste it in your page's source code between the starting and ending of the head tag as well. Please make sure to address any style code issues with your existing code.
2- Copy the code between <body> and </body> tags, then paste it in your page's source code between the starting and ending of the body tag as well. Position the Events Search Widget code within your page's code according to where you want it to appear on the page.
Please note that Evanced's support is limited to the overall functionality of the Events Search widget and the way it looks independently, not its design after embedding on the customer's page.
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  • Attachments: Yes
  • Summary: Events Search Widget
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