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How To Events-Create a custom calendar view

Create a custom calendar view:

This is an example of the path to your calendar as seen by patrons:

To show only children's programs, the path becomes:
where "et" stands for Event Type, and "Children's Program" is one of your library's defined event types.

To show children programs for the next 60 days, the path becomes:
where "nd" stands for the next number of days.

The "libnum" switch and others, listed in the table below, can be used to show specific events offered at each location:

The switches (everything after "?") tell the system what to display and how to display it. The table below provides a reference for deciphering the switches.


Tells the system what format to use when displaying the calendar – "list" or "calendar".

Example: df=list

dt=dr and
ds= and de=

These can be used to specify a date range.

dt=dr designates date range then "ds" is date start and "de" is date end. As in ds=2007-5-1&de=2007-5-7


Shows the events for the next XX number of days. [Default is 1]. [Path to event calendar]/eventcalendar.asp?nd=7


This is used to limit the output to only certain event types. The default is to show all event types. You can specify multiple event types by separating them with a comma and a plus sign (et=Adult+Program,+Book+Discussion). Event types need to be alphabetically in order to work.


This is used to limit the output to only events for certain age groups. Similar to "et" above, you can specify multiple age groups by separating them with a comma and a plus sign (ag=children,+adult).


This is used to control the events for a given library/branch or events for all branches [Default is 0]. Use the library number (ln=x) or "ALL" (ln=ALL) to specify which branches’ events that are to be displayed or all. "ALL” needs to be in all capital letters.


Tells the system which library or branch number is the "Home" branch for this view. Setting the Home branch in this case determines which style configuration (Branch 1, Branch 2, etc.) is shown, in addition to listing the events of that branch. "libnum=999" tells the system to use the All Branches style configuration.

ln= versus libnum=

"ln" tells the system which branch, in a multi-branch system, to display. "libnum" tells the system which branch is your Home (default) branch and applies the associated configuration of that branch.


This is used to change the title of the page at the top.

Example: pagetitle=Available Events, default is "Programs and Events".


This is used to limit output to only events which contain a given keyword in their title, description, other information, or instructor fields. The default is to show all events. Example: kw=class


This is used to override the system setting of whether the Library Name is displayed at the top of the page or not. =1(Displayed) =0(Hidden)

"%2C" and "%2C+"

The browser inserts codes such as "%20" and "%2C" to represent special characters, such as spaces or commas.

Note: There are common switches between these and XML-RSS Switches, such as: ag, et, and kw.


Note: Using URL switches in the calendar link; specifically "pointer=inhouse&nopw=1", will allow limited access to private calendars without a password.


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