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Understanding the Waiting List

The Waiting List can be a powerful tool for managing event registration.

When creating a new event, you may wish to limit the number of people who can register. If you so chose, you can instruct the system to leave the registration option open to a waiting list.

The system will then track everyone who signs up after registration is full. You may also chose to limit waiting list spots.

To view the Waiting List for an event, enter registration mode and click Attendance at the bottom of the screen.

In the Event Attendance sheet, you can find the waiting list. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and select the tab that says "Waiting". There you'll find all the data about registrants who are on the waiting list.

You can either manually manage waiting lists, or instruct the system to automatically move the first person on the waiting list to the registered side whenever someone drops off the list. Enable the Auto Waiting list in System Settings (in branch mode) under Attendance Settings.
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Evanced Solutions on Wed, Jun 20th, 2012 at 4:48 PM
If you do not set a limit, then it is unlimited. I am not aware of any waiting list limits. It should take 100.
Comment by Carol Rynk on Mon, Jun 11th, 2012 at 12:42 PM
Is there a limit to the wait list, for example, can I set it as high as 100?
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