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Spaces XML Feed

Spaces allows you to create custom XML/RSS feeds. An example feed of http://demozonepublic.evanced.info/spaces/patron/spacesxml?dm=xml&loc=7&limit=5 will pull in reservation data, limiting the results to the first five reservations ("limit=5"), for the Activity Room ("loc=7") in the Main Library on our demo site.
Note: the Spaces XML feed currently only returns data for one day. You can change the specific day for which you'd like to receive reservation data via the ds= switch or the do= switch, but you cannot receive more than one day of reservation data at a time.

To build your feed, take your base URL, add a ?, then add dm=XYZ to determine the type of feed you are creating (where XYZ is XML, RSS, etc.)
http://[Your URL].evanced.info/spaces/patron/spacesxml?dm=xml
You can add additional parameters by adding a & character followed by a parameter. For example:
http://[Your URL].evanced.info/spaces/patron/spacesxml?dm=xml&lib=1000
  • Display Mode - dm=
    • xml, exml, html, or ical
  • Date Start - ds=
    • date value in YYYY/MM/DD format
  • Date Offset - do=
    • any integer value - accepts positive and negative values
    • example: do=7 returns reservations on the day 7 days from "now"
    • example: do=-30 returns reservations on the day 30 days prior to "now"
  • Specific Locations (branches) - lib=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the library ID.
    • 0,999,1003,1009,1016 for multiple, where these numbers are the library IDs. Do not put spaces between commas and IDs.
    • all indicates "all branches" (i.e. system-wide would be lib=all)
    • Branch IDs start in the 1000s as shown above. Your branch IDs may vary.
  • Specific Spaces (rooms) - loc=
    • 1 for single, where 1 is the room ID.
    • 1,2,4,6,23 for multiple, where these numbers are the room IDs. Do not put spaces between commas and IDs.
  • Start count - startcount=
    • What item we want to start on - for paging a resultset.
  • Result limit - limit=
    • How many results come back - to limit the amount we get.
  • Reservation Status - status=
    • 0= Pending
    • 1 = [Default] Approved

Please note that Evanced's support is limited to the functionality of the Spaces XML/RSS feeds and the way it looks independently. Evanced does not provide support for implementing the XML/RSS feeds on your site, nor does it provide support for XML/RSS feeds after installation on your site.

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  • Applicable To: Admin Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: xml feed for Spaces
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