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Spaces API

The Spaces API is meant to open Spaces data to be consumable by your organization. Due to the technical nature of the API, intermediate to advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may be needed. Please proceed with caution.

The most detailed documentation we have is from the application itself. We've detailed the majority of the v1 API functions in our API Documentation.

You can access the documentation and have it tailored to your specific site by navigating to http://yoursite.evanced.info/api/swagger/ui/index where "yoursite" is replaced with your Spaces site prefix. For example, if your Spaces site is http://northlibary.evanced.info, then your Spaces API documentation page can be found at https://northlibrary.evanced.info/api/swagger/ui/index


Please note that Evanced's support is limited to the functionality of the Spaces API and the way it looks independently. Evanced does not provide support for implementing the API on your site, nor does it provide support for API after installation on your site.


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  • Summary: This is an article that summarizes how to access further information on our Spaces API
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