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Configuring Reservation Restrictions in D!BS

As D!BS is intended to be an unmediated system, there are not as many restrictions available for use as with Spaces. To configure the restrictions below, please contact Evanced Support to request the changes. If a patron has encountered one of the reservation rules, an error message stating which rule they broke will be displayed.

GLOBAL RESTRICTIONS (All Locations and not Location/Space specific): 

Maximum Future Reservation Length - (in days) The latest possible time a patron can request a reservation. Example: if the patron is not allowed to make a request further than one month out, this number would be "30"

Allow Concurrent Reservations - (enabled or disabled) Disabled by default. If enabled, allow patrons to occupy multiple spaces during the same time slot. Example: if your patrons can call D!BS on both Study Room 3 and Study Room 8 for the 1:00-2:00 slot, you'll want to enable this setting

Maximum Total ReservationsThe total number of active reservations a patron can claim at any time. Example: if this is set to "3", the patron could only have 3 reservations set for the present or future

Maximum Daily Reservations The total number of active reservations a patron can claim in a day. Example: if this is set to "2", the patron could only have 2 reservations in any given 24 hour period regardless of if the reservation is present or future


Maximum Total Reservations For [this room]The total number of active reservations a patron can claim in a specific room at any time. Example: if this is set to "3" for "Study Room 5", the patron could only have 3 reservations in Study Room 5 for the present or future

Maximum Daily Reservations For [this room]The total number of active reservations a patron can claim in a specific room in a day. Example: if this is set to "2" for "East Meeting Room", the patron could only have 2 reservations in the East Meeting Room in any given 24 hour period regardless of if the reservation present or future

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  • Applicable To: Admin Users
  • Attachments: No
  • Summary: A list of settings by which to restrict patron reservation requests in Spaces.
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