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Web APIs return data that can be consumed on a broad range of clients, including browsers, mobile devices, and traditional desktop applications.A data returned by the WebAPI will be in either XML or JSON format.The format, or content type, is determined by means of content negotiation between the API and the requesting device via the Accept header,which is specific to the type of device sending the request.

There are six Web APIs available in D!BS. The table below briefly describes each WebAPI and outlines the structure of the returned data. The language of the returned data structure is shown in XML (attributes appearing in the root element are omitted for clarity). In the Web API and Description column, the data variables are in bold italics. In the Structure of Returned Data column, the data types are in bold italics. 

Web API and Description Structure of Returned Data

 Buildings API  

… /dibsapi/buildings 

Returns data of the complete list of buildings 

< ArrayOfDibsBuilding>

    < DibsBuilding>

        <BuildingID> Integer </BuildingID>






    </ DibsBuilding>

</ ArrayOfDibsBuilding

 Building-By-ID API  

… /dibsapi/buildings/id 

Returns data for one building given the building’sid 

< DibsBuilding>

    <BuildingID> Integer </BuildingID>






</ DibsBuilding

 Rooms API

 … /dibsapi/rooms 

Returns data of the complete list of all rooms 


    < DibsRoom >


        <Description> String </Description>




        <RoomID> Integer </RoomID>

    </ DibsRoom >

</ ArrayOfDibsRoom

 Room-By-ID API  

… /dibsapi/rooms/id 

Returns data for one room given the room’s id 

< DibsRoom >


    <Description> String </Description>




    <RoomID> Integer </RoomID>

</ DibsRoom

 Room-Hours API  

… /dibsapi/roomHours/ yyyy-mm-dd / id  

Returns the opening and closing time for a room by date and room id 

< ArrayOfDibsRoomHours >

    < DibsRoomHours >




    </ DibsRoomHours >

</ ArrayOfDibsRoomHours >  

 Reservations API

… /dibsapi/reservations/yyyy-mm-dd / id  

Returns time slots of existing reservations by date and room id 

Note:When thereis no data returned for a given request, only the root node is returned, that is <ArrayOfRoomsAvailableHoursData xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Evanced.Dibs.DataClasses.MeetingRoomsMobileData">.

At the bottom of this page, the examples illustrate how these Web APIs can be consumed using HTML with jQuery and then C# .Net. 

Please note that Evanced's support is limited to the functionality of the D!BS API and the way it looks independently. Evanced does not provide support for implementing the API on your site, nor does it provide support for the API after installation on your site.
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  • Summary: Public API for Dibs
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