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D!BS Setup Document

Please complete the sheet listed in the "Attachments" section below, and send it to Evanced Support via this contact form to complete your D!BS configuration.



Building Name: Supply the name of the building displayed in the D!bs application. Please limit your building name to 100 characters or less.
Latitude and Longitude: Are the actual Latitude and Longitude for the building. If you do not know the actual Latitude and Longitude for a building you can use a site like http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html. At this site you enter the full address of a building, select go, and you will see your building on the map with the Latitude and Longitude listed.
Description: The description of the building that will be displayed to the user. Please limit your description to 100 characters or less.
Picture: The name of the picture file. Must be a .jpg or .png. For example: sciencebuilding.jpg The pixel count must be 90 width X 60 height.


Room Name: Supply the name of the room displayed in the D!bs application. Please limit the room name to 100 characters or less.
Minimum Occupancy: The minimum number of people necessary to use this room.
Maximum Occupancy: The maximum number of people that can use this room.
Note:If a room has a maximum occupancy that is less than the maximum size in a search category, the room will not display. For example, if the room has a max occupancy of 3, it will not display if the smallest room size category is configured for 1-4. If the search size configurations do not match up with the individual maximum occupancy then there is the potential for that room to be excluded from the search. Search Size Categories are controlled under Global Rules.      
Building Name: Supply the name of the building this room is in. This MUST match a building name from the Buildings sheet.
Description: The description of the room that will be displayed to the user. Please limit the descriptions to 100 characters or less. You may want to include any assets that a room has in your description. I.E. room has a podium, projector, etc.
Picture: The name of the picture file. Must be a .jpg or .png. For example: roomAphoto.jpg The pixel count cannot exceed 90 width X 60 height.


Room Name: Supply the name of the room these hours apply to. This name MUST match a room name that is on the Rooms sheet.
Start Time: The start time of a block of hours for when this room is open. (Use hours 0 - 23)
End Time: The end time of a block of hours for when this room is open. (Use hours 1-24)
Reservation Length Options: Desired available options for reservation lengths. The default is always one hour. However, we want to know if you also want 2, 3, 4, etc to show on the list.
Notes: Multiple listings for a single room are possible. However, each start/end time for an entry must be consecutive and not cross into another listing. For example, a room can be available from 7 to 12 and again from 14-22. A room cannot be available from 7-12 and from 11-22. To make a room available for 24 hours enter start time=0 and end time =0.
Best Practice Notes:
  • Dibs sites will not work until the Current Time Zone, Room Size Settings, and Maximum Future Reservation Length have been set.
  • Maximum Total Reservations, Maximum Daily Reservations, and Maximum Daily Reservations Per Room are optional settings.
  • The Maximum Total Reservations needs to be a value greater than or equal to the Maximum Daily Reservations and Maximum Daily Per Room.
  • If the email domain is left blank then any email can register. @evancedsolutions.com does not need to be in the list.It is hard coded into the application.
  • The SMS message for confirmation and cancellation can be customized but it is limited to 160 characters or less.
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  • Applicable To: All Users
  • Attachments: Yes
  • Summary: D!bs setup
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