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My site is timing out when I am running a big report

This article applies to Events and Room Reserve customers who have their applications hosted on their own servers mainly.
In some cases, while trying to run a big report, you might run into a timeout issue. This can be addressed by increasing the default value set for ASP's Response Buffering Limit. We have it set on our servers to 134217728, which allows for most reports to run with no issue.

For IIS 6.0

Open your metabase.XML which is located in c:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv and find the line "AspBufferingLimit”.

Change the value to "134217728?.

NOTE:  Be sure to stop the IIS service first or you will not be able to save the file.


Another Note:  If you are not able to stop the IIS service, you can attempt to push the change live using the command prompt instead.

Click Start, Run, type CMD, and click OK.

Type the following command and press ENTER:  cd /d %systemdrive%\inetpub\adminscripts

Type the following command and press ENTER:  cscript.exe adsutil.vbs SET w3svc/aspbufferinglimit 134217728

To verify that the change was accepted, type the following command and press ENTER:  cscript.exe adsutil.vbs GET w3svc/aspbufferinglimit


For IIS 7.0

In IIS 7, click on the root site, then double click on the ASP icon under IIS. There is a "Limits Properties" that you need to expand. Under there, there is an option for "Response Buffering Limit". Change this value to: 134217728  Click "Apply".
Please contact staff who is in charge of your server at your library if you require assistance with these edits, or contact Evanced Solutions Support to allow us remote access to the server to perform the change.
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