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Understanding Room Request/Reservation Maintenance

The Room Request/Reservation Maintenance page helps you keep track of all the room reservations currently in the system. It can be accessed via the Room Reservation Maintenance page.

At the top center of the page, is a Bulk Archive button. This button opens a dialogue box that allows you to archive all requests before, after, or between specific date ranges.

Below the Bulk Archive button is a row of tabs. Each tab contains a specific type of reservation. Clicking the tab will limit your view and searches to reservations of that type. If you can't find a certain reservation, make sure you are in the appropriate tab first.

Pending Requests
Shows reservations that have yet to be approved
Pending Payments
Shows reservations with outstanding balances
Accepted Reservations
Shows reservations that have been confirmed.
Archived Reservations
Shows reservations that have been taken off the active calendar for storage
All Reservations
Shows all reservations

Each tab has its own Search Filter which allows you to search reservations of that type by the following criteria:

Find reservations by specific room
Find reservations by the organization that made them
Key Word
Search by a key word
Find reservations by using a specific date or date range.

In the center of the page is the results window that contains the reservations you've selected via the search filter and/or the tabs.

Above the records of the reservations is the archive button. Check individual reservations and then click archive to move reservations off the active calendar and place them in the archive.

Within each individual reservation, there are several buttons.

Archive (check box)
Check the box and press the Archive button to archive the reservation
View the reservation. Allows for the addition of internal notes, attendance and classifications. Also allows for approval of pending reservations.
Edit Single/Edit Recurring
Make changes to a previously submitted reservation.
Copy Single/Recurring
Copy the details from an existing reservation to a new reservation.
Permanently deletes the reservation. Note that only single reservations can be deleted directly. Recurring reservations must be archived before being deleted.
Reveals the confirmation data and code given to the patron. Can be printed off as a receipt.

For more information about functions, click on the supplied links.
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