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Understanding System Messages Maintenance

System Messages are given to the patron as he or she attempts to use the system. You can customize the text of these messages from the Systems Configuration and Settings menu.

Library Card Note
This is the message the system gives the patron if the Library Card requirement is required. It appears just below the library card number space on the contact entry form.
Non-credit Card Payment Information
This text appears in the Send Payment section of the request form for reservations requiring payment
Credit Card Payment Information
This text appears in the Send Payment section of the request form for reservations requiring payment
Fixed Reservation Message
This is a place to enter disclaimer information at the bottom of ALL requests.
Reservation Summary Message
This appears at the bottom of all requests and can also be used for disclaimer information.

These fields can handle basic HTML tagging.  All text between carrots (^text^) is filled in by the program. Changing the text tags can eliminate the reservation specific information that would otherwise appear. Do not use tags from other parts of the program. They will not work apart from the pages where they are listed.
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