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How to Configure a Room

Configuring a room is perhaps the most essential part of Room Reserve. To begin configuring a new or existing room, locate the Room Configuration menu off of the Room Reservation and Maintenance page.

For video tutorials about how to configure a room, click here.

The Room Configuration menu opens with a list of rooms already added into the system.

The Room Configuration page has four primary options:

Edit (click name)
Clicking on the name of an existing room opens the Room Configuration page.
Move Up/Down in Display Order (button)
Changes the order in which rooms appears in the reservation list.
Add New Room
Opens the Room Configuration page to add a new room
Delete Checked Room(s) (button/check boxes)
Checking the box by a room and then pressing the button deletes it.

If you wish to add or edit a room, the Room Configuration page allows you to set up the room you wish to add.

Select Room
Enter a new room name or select a room from the current location list.
Contact Form Template
Customize the questions to be asked on the request form.
Mediation Setting
A mediated room can only be reserved with staff approval. An unmediated room is automatically approved upon request.
Accessibility Determines how the reservation is seen by the public. Public View Only means the room can only be seen, not reserved from the Patron side. Public Full Access allows a patron to request a room via the patron calendar. In-House Only makes the room viewable only by staff.
Enable Reservation Limits
When enabled, limits the number of times the room can be booked within a set number of days.
Minimum Capacity
The fewest people allowed to occupy a room. This option could be used to prevent small groups from taking up the largest rooms.
Maximum Capacity
The maximum allowable number of visitors for the room in a single session.
Combined Room
When checked, this option blocks off two or more existing rooms that become combined into a single room.
Standard Fixtures
What are the items that come with the room without additional charge. These items 'belong' to the room. An example could be a table, a built in ceiling projector, or electrical outlets.
Other Information
Any other relevant information.

Below the Room Information section is the Contract Entry Items.

Available Equipment
Shows all the equipment you have added. To make an item able to be reserved with the room, simply check the box, and the patron will be able to book the equipment (or service) along with the room.
Contract/Form File Name
If you have contract uploaded to a server, list the file path here, and it will show up when people go to reserve a room.
Room Setup Template
Defines how the room is arranged. See the article on Room Templates.
Non-Profit Checking
Determines whether the non-profit stipulation appears on the Reservation
Form and whether the information is required or optional.
Enable Category Drop List
Determines if the Group Type list appears on the registration form
Require Email Address
Requires a contact email address to be provided
Enable Reservation to be Displayed on Event Calendar
Allows you to customize whether or not you want the meetings for that room to show up on the Library's Events Calendar (for use with Evanced Events program)
Assigned Event Type
If reservation can be displayed on the Events Calendar, this will allow for classification with an Event Type.
Internal Notification Options

Requests/Status Change Email Name
Who receives emails about cancellations and status changes for this room?
Requests/Status Change Email Address
What is the email address for the person who receives emails about cancellations and status changes for this room?
Equipment Requests Email Name
Who receives emails about cancellations and status changes for equipment associated with this room?
Equipment Requests Email Address
What is the email address for the person who receives emails about cancellations and status changes for equipment associated with this room?

The next section down is Room Costs.

Cost Classifications are pricing rules based on the type of group requesting the Room. Cost classifications allow you to set different pricing rules for different kinds of groups (students, seniors, non-profit, for profit, residents of a certain city, card-holders, ect). Cost classifications are not based on the item or room, but rather the person who requests the item.

If you choose to add a new cost classification, click Add/Edit Cost Classification. The Costing Maintenance window will open.To the right you have the following options:

Costing Name:
Enter a name for the classification. This should be unique.
Cost Classification Name:
Enter what type of Costing is being created (i.e. government, faith-based, for-profit, ect.). This doesn't have to be unique. For example, a Costing Name could be "City" or "County". They could both be classified as "Government".
Cost Classification Abbr:
How should the cost classification be abbreviated?
Standard Fee Type:
During regular hours, is there a flat or hourly charge for the room. It is possible to combine both. For example: $20 flat fee for up to 2 hours. $5 fee for each additional hour.
Extended Fee Type:
Assign fee rates if the room is bookable outside of normal library hours.
Deposit Enable:
Activates or deactivates a deposit requirement and the amount of the deposit. When activated, patrons must provide a deposit at the time the request is made.
Order Weight
Where in the list of cost classifications will the classification appear? Item weight is determined in units of 10. To make an item appear first on the list, set the weight to 10.
Save your new Cost Classification

Next to the new Cost Classification table, you'll see a table of existing cost classifications. Click on the names to edit the information. Click copy to copy the details to the table on the left. You can also delete an existing classification.

Once you've entered all the appropriate Cost Classifications, you can set the prices for the item.

Not Applicable means that the group in question doesn't apply to the room. No charge means the room can be reserved by members of that group for free. To charge for the room , enter in the rates for each Cost Classification applicable.

The final section is the Room Availability Menu.

First, decide whether rooms have extended hours availability to patrons. Then, set up the standard and extended hours for the room. Finally decide if alternate hours are necessary. Alternate hours could be winter hours, summer hours, or any time period during which you want to change the normal operating hours.

Be sure to save your work.

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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Nate on Wed, Dec 21st, 2011 at 9:40 AM
Click add/edit Room Template.Then create a Room Setup name. Enter the URL where the picture is stored in the URL field. You have to have the picture stored on the internet separately. If you are hosted on our servers, send the photo to support@evancedsolutions.com and we‘ll upload it for you and send you the URL. If you are not, then ask your IT department for a file on the web to store photos.
Comment by Carol on Wed, Dec 21st, 2011 at 8:52 AM
where do you attach the photos of the room so that when you scroll over, you see the picture...like in your youtube video?
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