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How to Manage User Logins-Quick Start Guide

Turning on User Logins works the same from both Events and Rooms.

Quick Configuration

1. Login at the All Branches (or main branch in single branch systems).

Under System Configuration & Settings -+ System Settings:

o Select "Yes” on Enable Username Login, then Save.

Close your browser completely, all tabs and all instances. This is important, because we are changing the way the system sees you as being "logged in” and as long as the browser is still open, it keeps the old way active.

Restart the browser and go to the maintenance page.

Before logging in for the first time, contact Evanced Support for the password and username.. When you login for the first time, you will be taken to a screen to change the admin password, and then back to the login screen to actually login. This is the same process for assigning unique passwords that all users will go through upon first logging in, or through PW Reset (more below).

2. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be at All Branches (or main branch in single branch systems).

Now you can add new users and security settings: Settings -+ User Login -+ Add New

Clicking "Add New” provides the following fields:

o Username can be anything.

o Email is not currently used, but as this feature is further implemented it could be a bigger part of the system.

o Initials are used for auditing – you don’t have to type them in every time changes are made, and it maintains consistency and can’t be forged.

o Primary Library is hardcoded for single branch systems, and a dropdown for multibranch. This is the library that a user logs into when they first access the system, and they can have different access level rights at this library. Selecting All Branches from the dropdown gives the rights you chose to All Branches.

o Secondary Library is only enabled on multibranch systems. This is where you set rights for libraries that a user can access but may have different levels than the primary. Example:

• Primary set to branch 3, Admin access given.

• Secondary set to Read Only access.

• All Branches checkbox is not checked.

• This user logs in, and is immediately put into branch 3, with admin access. They can change to any other branch and have read only access, but cannot access All Branches.

Once users are created, you can "Edit” them. Everything works the same as above except:

o PW Reset can be checked in the case of a lost/forgotten password. The next time that user logs in, they will go through the initial password update page, and then the system will remove the flag on them for password reset.

You can also Delete users from the system. The admin account cannot be deleted.

3. Some helpful tips:

  • Usernames are not case sensitive. Passwords are case sensitive.
  • Creating a user and setting their rights to none simply gives them no access.
  • When a user logs in, their rights are set for all modules at all branches they are configured for. You can change between Rooms and Events, and between Branches, and not have to login again.

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