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How to View/Print a Room Schedule

If you want to view or print off a room schedule, use the View/Print Room Schedule Report from the Room Reservation Maintenance page.

You can run a schedule for a specific room or group of rooms and customize the fields you want to include.

Date Choose from a range of daily, weekly, or monthly reports. Or choose a custom day or date range .
Select Rooms
Choose what rooms to include in the report.
Include Custom Questions
If you've set up reservations to include and custom questions, you can include those answers on the report if you wish.
Status Show all reservations or break them down by reserved, payment pending, pending, canceled, or denied.
Display Type
HTML is a web page, Word is a word processing program, Excel is a spreadsheet, and CSV format is easily read by a wide variety of text editors.
Action Display or print the report
Order By
Order your report by room name, date, start time, equipment, or requesting organization.
Display Columns
Choose what data fields you want included in your report. Choose FULL LIST to reveal more column options.
Save/Load Reports
You can save a report to rerun in the future. Simply name it and click Save As.

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Comments (5) Comments
Comment by Nate Dunlevy on Mon, Jan 14th, 2013 at 11:01 AM
To do delete reports from the main page, you need to have a certain security level to do so. If you have it, there will be a delete button by the reports. If you don
Comment by Amy on Sat, Jan 5th, 2013 at 4:56 PM
How do I delete old schedules from the view/print schedules list?
Comment by Heather on Thu, Dec 6th, 2012 at 11:44 AM
For room schedule report, it certainly makes more sense for us to have one weekend per schedule, in other words the ability to have a "week" be Mon-Sun versus Sun-Sat. We run the same room schedule report each week to share with the Library staff. I‘ve set a default report for "next week", but as mentioned, would like week to start Monday...so that no one has to go in and set up the parameters each report run. Is there a way to set a default "week" start, like Outlook lets you view starting Monday? And concur with Katie above!
Comment by Nate Dunlevy on Tue, Oct 30th, 2012 at 3:20 PM
There is a 1:1 correlation with event fields with one exception.Event Title appears as the Organization
Comment by Katie DuClos on Mon, Oct 29th, 2012 at 1:10 PM
It would be helpful to have a list of the Events fields that the Display Fields in this report match to.
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