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How to Reserve a Room for a Patron

It's easy to help patrons make reservations. You can access the Room Request system via the Room Reservation Maintenance page.

Mediated Reservations (or In-House Reservations) are reservations that require staff approval. Unmediated reservations do not. Regardless of the type of room (mediated or unmediated) all reservations function according to the same process.

Clicking on the link for the type of reservation required sends you to the Room Request calendar.

The calendar to the right can be used to select the day requested. Below that are options for each library in the system. By clicking on the library name, you can reveal all the room options for that library. Clicking on that room reveals the available times for that room on that day.

The Time Selection Grid shows selectable hours. If there are after-hours slots available, the system will highlight them. After-hours slots can be configured with alternate pricing if branch policy allows.

In addition to the Day tab which is the default view, you can select the Week tab which shows the room schedule for the week. The Month tab reveals a calendar of events taking place in that room that month.

The Search/Recurring tab also has a valuable function. For requests that will recur more than once, it allows you to search by date, frequency, time, and group size to find an appropriate room with available times. It produces a list of available rooms, and also rooms with a conflict to allow the opportunity to alter the search.

Upon selecting the desired time slot, the system takes you to the Room Request Application.

There are many custom fields available in Room Reserve. For more information about the various fields and how to set them, please read the article on Room Configuration.

After all the required fields are filled, you can verify the request.  That will take you to the confirmation screen that will show all the data as inputted. There you can mark whether or not payment was received (if applicable). Check to be sure that everything has been entered correctly and use your browser 'Back' button if you need to make changes.

Once all the information is verified, hit Verify Request.
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