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How to Add a Custom Cost Classification

Please note that you will only be able to add custom cost classifications, if you have Advanced Costing enabled. This setting is in general system settings that admins have access to. In the case of multi branch systems, it is a branch specific setting. Also be cautious, if you have an existing cost setup that you are trying to change, enabling advanced costing will override it. Consult with an Evanced support representative, if this is the case.
Adding a Cost Classification is part of configuring a room. Click on Room Configuration and scroll down to find the Cost Classification menu.

Cost Classifications are pricing rules based on the type of group requesting the Room. Cost classifications allow you to set different pricing rules for different kinds of groups (students, seniors, non-profit, for profit, residents of a certain city, card-holders, ect). Cost classifications are not based on the item or room, but rather the person who requests the item.

If you choose to add a new cost classification, click Add/Edit Cost Classification. The Costing Maintenance window will open.To the right you have the following options:

Costing Name:
Enter a name for the classification. This should be unique.
Cost Classification Name:
Enter what type of Costing is being created (i.e. government, faith-based, for-profit, ect.). This doesn't have to be unique. For example, a Costing Name could be "City" or "County". They could both be classified as "Government".
Cost Classification Abbr:
How should the cost classification be abbreviated?
Standard Fee Type:
During regular hours, is there a flat or hourly charge for the room. It is possible to combine both. For example: $20 flat fee for up to 2 hours. $5 fee for each additional hour.
Extended Fee Type:
Assign fee rates if the room is bookable outside of normal library hours.
Deposit Enable:
Activates or deactivates a deposit requirement and the amount of the deposit. When activated, patrons must provide a deposit at the time the request is made.
Order Weight
Where in the list of cost classifications will the classification appear? Item weight is determined in units of 10. To make an item appear first on the list, set the weight to 10.
Save your new Cost Classification

Next to the new Cost Classification table, you'll see a table of existing cost classifications. Click on the names to edit the information. Click copy to copy the details to the table on the left. You can also delete an existing classification.

Once you've entered all the appropriate Cost Classifications, you can set the prices for the item.

Not Applicable means that the group in question doesn't apply to the room. No charge means the room can be reserved by members of that group for free. To charge for the room , enter in the rates for each Cost Classification applicable.
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Comments (2) Comments
Comment by Nate Dunlevy on Wed, Mar 6th, 2013 at 9:08 AM
Unfortunately, there‘s no way to do that currently. We are working on improving the deposit mechanism, but currently the system will charge two deposits
Comment by Linda on Fri, Mar 1st, 2013 at 8:16 PM
How do we set up one deposit amount for a reservation that is either during or before hours or a combination of during and before hours?
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