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Understanding Rooms System Settings (Individual Branch Mode)

Note: this article is for individual branch mode. If you don't see these menu items, switch out of All Branches mode.

The Rooms System Settings page in individual branch mode has three different sections. You can access this page from the Systems Configurations and Settings menu.

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The first is General Settings.

The first half of the menu is Request Settings

Enable Patron Self Cancellation
Allows patrons to cancel their own reservations
Enable Request Confirmation Emails
Activates an email to be sent when a reservation request is received.
Library Card Number Length
How many digits are in the library card number?
Reservation Time Interval
What is the basic time increment for reservations? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? You can set any custom time you wish
Maximum Staff Recurring Occurrences
What is the maximum number of times that a staff reservation can reoccur?
Enable Auditing
Staff must enter initials when changing reservation information
Enable State Entry
Enables a drop down list of states for address input.
Enable Patron Side Autofill
Automatically suggests field entries based on previously entered data by patrons. This can make registration go faster for patrons who request frequently.
Enable Reservation Limits
Limits the number of times a patron can book a room or item within a certain time limit
Default Reservation Limits
Set the number of reservations within X number of days that a patron can book a room.
Enable Unmediated Booking Options
Allows for patrons to reserve a preconfigured room without prior staff approval.
Enable Advanced Costing
Allows for the creation of Custom Cost Classifications. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled as long as there is an existing reservation using a custom classification.
Enable Extended Hours
Allows rooms to be booked beyond normal library hours
Extended Hours Availability
Determines if a room is available after hours to just staff or patrons and staff
Enable Equipment Inventory
Determines whether equipment can be reserved independently of rooms. Once this all branch setting is enabled, it cannot be disabled.

The second part of the menu is the Reservation Maintenance Settings.

Late Payment After
Number of days before a payment is late
Approve Password Level
Sets the password level for approving mediated requests
Enable Username Login
Enables/Disables username support for security purposes
Auto Archive Option
When enabled, items older than a certain number of days (or on a certain day of the month) are moved to the archive.

The second two pages are Mediated and Unmediated rules. The two pages are identical, but can be configured separately to allow for different rules for Mediated and Unmediated rooms.

Reservation Range
How far into the future can a patron make reservations?
Maximum Reservation Length
Maximum number of hours a room can be reserved for
Reservation Buffer Length
How close together can reservations be made?
Time Before Request Limit
How soon before the reservation can it be made. For example, a room may not be reserved less than 48 hours before the reservation time.
Maximum Number of Patron Recalls
Limits the maximum number of times a patron can recall his or her information to make consecutive requests.
Maximum Patron Recurring Occurrences
Sets the maximum number of reservations a patron can book at one time.
Room Policy Path
The URL for the Terms of Agreement or Contract the library has.
Enable Check Return/Destroy Entry
Allows for an entry to made to 'Return/Destroy check' on a deposit. Allows for the patron to pay a deposit with an uncashed check that is given back to them or destroyed upon full payment.
Hide Organization Name
Hides organization names on the calender. All that appears is "Reserved"
Default View
Sets the default starting view to Day, Week, Month, or Search
Disable View
Disables one or more of the Day, Week, Month or Search views/tabs
Default Search Start Time
What is the default start time for reservations
Default Search End Time
What is the default end time for reservations.

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