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Understanding the System Messages Maintenance Page

The System Messages Maintenance mode is located on the System Configuration and Settings menu.

NOTE:This is only available in individual branch mode. If you can't find this menu option, you are likely logged in to All Branches mode!

This page controls the text of the messages the system gives to patrons as they interact with the system. There are options for both English and Spanish messages if desired.

The following messages are customized on this page:

Event Calendar Instructions
This message appears at the top of the Event Calender on the patron side
Event List View Instructions
This message appears at the top of the List View on the patron side.
Event Registration Instructions
This message appears when patrons register for an event.
Payment Information
This instructs patrons how and where to pay for an event they've registered for.
Contact Information
Who and how patrons can contact about events in general (Note: this is not the event contact for specific events).
Cancellation Notice
Cancellation restrictions and notes.
Notify Me Instructions
The message patrons see when they click 'notify me' in list mode.
Email a friend Instructions
Instructions the patron sees when they click "Email a friend" in list mode.

Fields can accept HTML and graphic codes. If you change default text located within the ^ ^ markers, you will lose the message customization. Those carrot markers tell the system to insert the information specific to the event, date, or patron in question into the message.

Custom tags are specific to the pages on which they are found. They do not work on other pages. Do not use the custom tag from one entry in a different part of the program.

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