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Understanding the Events Calendar (In-House Registration Mode)

The Events Calendar is the first step toward registering a patron or staff member for an event.

The Events Calendar can be accessed from the Events System Maintenance page.

Note: there are subtle differences between the Calendar in Patron View and In-House Registration Mode. See this article for a list of those differences.

There are a variety of tools on the Events Calendar.

Starting on the upper right, you can choose to expand the Search Slider. This tool will enable you to focus in on just the events you want.

The following chart explains the Search options:
Show only events with a certain key word
Display Format
Show events either in calendar mode or list mode
Publishing Filter
Filter events by whether or not they have been published
Filter events by branch, or enable all branches
Event Types
Filter events by your predetermined types
Age Groups:
Filter events by predetermined age groupings
Filter events by a specific speaker
Postal Code
Filter events using the appropriate postal code of the library where they occur.

To the right of the Search Slider is the option to Display Personal Schedule. This allows you to show all the events an individual has previously registered for by using his or her last name and the confirmation number they were given when they registered for an event.

To the right of Display Personal Schedule is the View option, which allows you toggle between Calendar View and List View.

To the right of the View option is the Show URL option. The Show URL option opens a pop-up window that allows you access various customizable pathways which you can alter to tailor calendars to meet your specific needs. Please view the How to Manage URL article for more information.

To the right of the Show URL option is the RSS Feed. A RSS feed is a special way of viewing web information that updates users when it is changed. Your RSS feed can be customized to create calendars that are dynamic and also specific to your needs. Please view the How To Manage the RSS feed article for more information.

Below the options above is a Date Bar. This allows you to view the specific month and year that you wish. The default is always the current month.

Below the date bar you have the option to Click to View Ongoing Events. Ongoing events are events that take place library wide (or even over multiple branches) and are not tied to a specific location or time. An example would be "Black History Month". These events don't normally appear on the calender unless the Click to View Ongoing Events option is selected.

On the Calendar itself, events are color coded according to preset characteristics. Events that are underlined require registration. Clicking on an event takes you to the Event Information or Event Registration page. Mousing over the event reveals more event information.

If you have enabled Special Email Info, you can add special event specific information to the email reminders that go out for that event. The email template accepts HTML and graphic tags. Information within the ^^ is supplied by the system according to the codes used.
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