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View/Print Bookable Equipment Schedules

To view or print a handy schedule of independently bookable equipment, use the View/Print Bookable Equipment Schedules report. You can access it from the Room Reservation Maintenance menu.

Date Choose from a range of daily, weekly, or monthly reports. Or choose a custom day or date range .
Select Equipment
Choose what items to include in the report.
Include Custom Questions
If you've set up reservations to include and custom questions, you can include those answers on the report if you wish.
Status Show all reservations or break them down by reserved, payment pending, pending, canceled, or denied.
Display Type
HTML is a web page, Word is a word processing program, Excel is a spreadsheet, and CSV format is easily read by a wide variety of text editors.
Action Display or print the report
Display Columns
Choose what data fields you want included in your report.
Save/Load Reports
You can save a report to rerun in the future. Simply name it and click Save As.

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