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Room Reserve - System Settings

Room Reserve System Settings

Customer Messages

System Messages

System Messages are messages that appear on the Reservation Form and Summary page. The table below illustrates the template used to create System Messages. Libraries may use the default templates provided or customize their own messages.

Note: The System Messages supports HTML codes.
Multi-Branch Library System Note: System Messages is a Branch Specific Feature.
 Examples of simple html tags: <b>TEXT</b> = Bold <u>TEXT</u> = Underline <br>TEXT</br>= Line Break <a href="http://www.example.com/">Link-text goes here</a> = Allows you to add a link to the text
System Messages Definition/Defaults Picture(Click on Image to enlarge)
Library Card Note Definition - "Information entered here appears on the Contact Entry page, just below the library card number entry." Default - "An adult cardholder (18 years or older) may reserve the meeting room. The card holder making the reservation will be held liable for any damage done to the room (See the Meeting Room Policy)."
Non-Credit Card Payment Information Definition - Information entered here appears in the Send Payment section of room reservation that require payment." Default - You will need to pay the following within 1 week from today or your request will not be approved:
<ul type="square"> ^STARTDEPOSIT^<LI>One check for the Deposit in the amount of ^DEPOSITAMOUNT^^ENDDEPOSIT^ ^STARTFEE^<LI>One check for the Fee in the amount of ^FEEAMOUNT^^ENDFEE^ </ul> ^STARTFEEANDDEPOSIT^NOTE: Please use separate checks for the deposit and fee amounts.^ENDFEEANDDEPOSIT^ You can pay in person at the circulation desk or send your payment to: Sabrina's Fairy Tale Library 123 Neverland Ave Indianapolis, IN 46035
Credit Card Payment Information Definition -? Default - Blank
Fixed Reservation Message Definition - Information entered here appears at the bottom of both the Contact Entry and Summary pages for ALL room reservations. Disclaimer information can be entered, such as "It is understood that by completing the reservation you have reviewed and understand the room policy." Default - Empty
Reservation Summary Message Definition - "Information entered here will appear at the bottom of both the Contact Entry and the Summary Request Pages for ALL room reservations. Disclaimer information can be entered such as "It is understood that by completing the reservation you have reviewed and understand the room policy." Default - "Review Info and Submit to Finish"

Room System Templates

System Templates create the confirmation messages displayed when users submit a reservation. The System Templates do not generate e-mail confirmations.

Room Templates

The number of templates that appear depends on the configuration of the system. Room Reserve categorizes rooms as either Mediated or Unmediated. By default, all rooms are Mediated unless the system is configured otherwise.

  • Mediated rooms require secondary approval from a staff person with the appropriate security privileges - Staff or Administrator login. How the system manages Mediated reservations depends on who submits them. When submitted by patrons, Mediated reservations are classified as Pending until approved by library staff. When submitted by staff, reservations are automatically accepted.
  • Unmediated rooms do not require staff approval and the system automatically accepts a reservation regardless of the source - patron or staff. The table below lists the available templates and under which configuration they appear.
Template Tags Default Picture (click to enlarge)
Room Templates - Patron Request
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the name that is populated by the patron during the room request process. This field would be the name of the patron.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization is the requesting Organization requesting the room reservation. Populated by the patron during the Room Reservation Process.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ Room Name is selected by the patron during the room reservation process. The Room Name is created by the library and selected by the patron and will display on the template as Room.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table displays as a table at the bottom of the room reserve request confirmation page displaying information such as the Qty, Item, Cost, and the total. This information is populated by the library during the Room Setup.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the library name. Can be used for Single Branch setup, however was designed to signify which Library Branch in a Multi Branch setup. This field is populated with in the System Configuration and Settings under Library Information field "Name"
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date is populated during the Room Reservation process selected by the patron. Displays on the reservation confirmation page as Dates within the default template.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time with Setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time with Take-Down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time without the Setup time.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time without the take-down time.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATION NUMBER^ The Confirmation Number is generated during the confirmation process of the Room Reservation process. This is a system generated number and included on the confirmation page.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information is generated during the confirmation process of the Room Reservation process. This is a system generated message that defaults to the following message "You will need to pay the following within 1 week from today or your request will not be approved:
  • One check for the Fee in the amount of $00.00."
Request Status ^STATUS The Status displays what the current status is for the Room Reservation. This displays on the default template during the Room Reservation confirmation.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date for the Room Reservation that will have a series of dates during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date for the Room Reservation that will have a series of dates during the room reservation process.

Room Templates - Staff Request Submitted
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the name that is populated by the patron during the room request process. This field would be the name of the patron.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization is the requesting Organization requesting the room reservation. Populated by the patron during the Room Reservation Process.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ Room Name is selected by the patron during the room reservation process. The Room Name is created by the library and selected by the patron and will display on the template as Room.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table displays as a table at the bottom of the room reserve request confirmation page displaying information such as the Qty, Item, Cost, and the total. This information is populated by the library during the Room Setup.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the library name. Can be used for Single Branch setup, however was designed to signify which Library Branch in a Multi Branch setup. This field is populated with in the System Configuration and Settings under Library Information field "Name"
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date is populated during the Room Reservation process selected by the patron. Displays on the reservation confirmation page as Dates within the default template.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time with Setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time with Take-Down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time without the Setup time.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time is selected by the patron during the reservation process. This will display the actual meeting time without the take-down time.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATION NUMBER^ The Confirmation Number is generated during the confirmation process of the Room Reservation process. This is a system generated number and included on the confirmation page.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information is generated during the confirmation process of the Room Reservation process. This is a system generated message that defaults to the following message "You will need to pay the following within 1 week from today or your request will not be approved:
  • One check for the Fee in the amount of $00.00."
Request Status ^STATUS The Status displays what the current status is for the Room Reservation. This displays on the default template during the Room Reservation confirmation.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date for the Room Reservation that will have a series of dates during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date for the Room Reservation that will have a series of dates during the room reservation process.

Equipment System Templates

Equipment System Templates only appears on the menu when equipment inventory has been enabled. The full path to this field from the Home Page is Settings Menu - System Configuration & Settings - System Settings - General. The "Enable Equipment Inventory" field is in the Request Settings section of the template. Equipment reservations are always Mediated.

  • Patron Request - The system uses the Patron Request template to display a confirmation for a patron-submitted reservation. The system also e-mails a confirmation (using E-mail Templates) to the e-mail address listed on the Reservation Form.
  • Staff Request Submitted - The system uses the Staff Request Submitted template to display a confirmation for a staff-submitted reservation. The system also e-mails a confirmation to the e-mail address listed on the Reservation Form.
Template Tags Default Picture (click to enlarge)
Equipment System Templates - Patron Request
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the Name of the patron requesting the equipment. This will display on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity displays the requested number of equipment items on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME The Equipment Name displays the Equipment that was chosen by either the patron or the staff member on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization displays the requesting patrons company name on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table displays as a table at the bottom of the Equipment Request Confirmation page displaying information such as the Qty, Item, Cost, and the total. This information is populated by the library during the Room Setup.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the library name. Can be used for Single Branch setup, however was designed to signify which Library Branch in a Multi Branch setup. This field is populated with in the System Configuration and Settings under Library Information field "Name"
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the Equipment Request Date. This information is populated on the patron's equipment request date.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the beginning of the meeting including any pre-defined setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the end of the meeting including any pre-defined take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the patron requested time to reserve the selected equipment.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the patron requested end time the selected equipment.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number is the number to track the requested equipment. This will display on the Equipment Confirmation page.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display within a table at the bottom of the Equipment Confirmation page. The information will have all cost defined by the library for the cost of the Equipment.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request on the Equipment Confirmation page.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the equipment request within the series of request. This will only display if there are multiple request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the equipment request within the series of request. This will only display if there are multiple request.

Equipment System Templates - Staff Request Submitted
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the Name of the patron requesting the equipment. This will display on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity displays the requested number of equipment items on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME The Equipment Name displays the Equipment that was chosen by either the patron or the staff member on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization displays the requesting patrons company name on the Equipment Request Confirmation page.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table displays as a table at the bottom of the Equipment Request Confirmation page displaying information such as the Qty, Item, Cost, and the total. This information is populated by the library during the Room Setup.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the library name. Can be used for Single Branch setup, however was designed to signify which Library Branch in a Multi Branch setup. This field is populated with in the System Configuration and Settings under Library Information field "Name"
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the Equipment Request Date. This information is populated on the patron's equipment request date.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the beginning of the meeting including any pre-defined setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the end of the meeting including any pre-defined take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the patron requested time to reserve the selected equipment.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the patron requested end time the selected equipment.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number is the number to track the requested equipment. This will display on the Equipment Confirmation page.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display within a table at the bottom of the Equipment Confirmation page. The information will have all cost defined by the library for the cost of the Equipment.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request on the Equipment Confirmation page.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the equipment request within the series of request. This will only display if there are multiple request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the equipment request within the series of request. This will only display if there are multiple request.

Room Email Templates

E-mail Templates are the basis for the automatic e-mail messages triggered when a reservation is submitted. Room Reserve categorizes email templates by function - Room Email Templates and Equipment Email Templates. Unless otherwise indicated the templates described below appear in and function the same in both categories.

  • Patron Request Confirmation - The Patron Request Confirmation templates creates a confirmation for a patron's submission of a Mediated room reservation.
  • Patron Reservation - The Patron Reservation template only appears when the Enable Unmediated Booking Options is enabled in System Settings. It creates a confirmation for a patron's submission of an Unmediated room reservation. This template does not apply to Equipment Email Templates because all equipment reservations are Mediated.
  • Staff Request Confirmation - The Staff Request Confirmation template creates a confirmation for staff-submitted reservations. The system automatically accepts all staff submitted reservations.
  • Request Accepted - The Request Accepted template creates the approval confirmation for a Pending reservation. This confirmation may include deposit or payment instructions.
  • Request Denied - The Request Denied template creates the message that notifies a patron that their request has been denied and why.
  • Payment Received - The Payment Received template creates a receipt of payment confirmation. This acknowledgment reclassifies a reservation from Pending Payment to Accepted.
  • Reservation Reminder - The system uses the Reservation Reminder template to create a reservation reminder that is sent to the email address listed on the Reservation Form. The system sends the reminder a fixed number of days prior to reservation, as determined by the email settings configuration.
Template Tags Default Picture (click to enlarge)
Patron Request Confirmation
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Patron Request Submitted Message ^PATRONSUBMITTED^ The Patron Request Submitted Message will display any information the patron defined in the open text field if enabled by the library for more room request information.
Reservation Cancel Link ^CANCELLINK^ The Reservation Cancel Link will display the cancellation status for the room request.

Staff Request Confirmation
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Staff Request Submitted Message ^STAFFSUBMITTED^ The Staff Request Submitted Message will display any information requested by the patron in the open text field during the room reservation.

Request Accepted
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Start Comment Section ^STARTCOMMENT^ ?
Staff Comment Section ^COMMENT^ The Staff Comment Section will display the information populated by the staff in the comment section of the reservation.
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Request Denied
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Start Comment Section ^STARTCOMMENT^ ?
Staff Comment Section ^COMMENT^ The Staff Comment Section will display the information populated by the staff in the comment section of the reservation.
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Status Change
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Start Comment Section ^STARTCOMMENT^ ?
Staff Comment Section ^COMMENT^ The Staff Comment Section will display the information populated by the staff in the comment section of the reservation.
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Reservation Reminder
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name will display the patron's name within the email.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's Company Name that would have been populated at the time of the room reservation.
Room Name ^ROOMNAME^ The Room Name will display the selected Room for the room reservation and place into the email.
Cost Table ^COSTTABLE^ The Cost Table will display the Cost Information for the room reservation within a table within the email.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library information will display within the email. This information is pulled from System Configuration and Settings - Library Information. This field is intended for multi-Branch systems but will pull the Library Information for a Single Branch System.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display in the email as the date of the request for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will begin with the Library's setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation will end with the Library's take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation start time for the meeting.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display in the email as the time the Room Reservation end time for the meeting.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMATIONNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display in the email as a system generated number for the patron to have a receipt number.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the patrons payment information for the Room Reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the Status of the Room Reservation at the time of the generated email.
Start Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation will display the beginning date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
End Recurring Reservation Reapeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation will display the ending date of the ongoing reservation request. This will only appear if the patron is eligible to select to reserve a room for multiple days in one request.
Start Condensed Section ^STARTCONTENT^ ?
End Condensed Section ^ENDCONTENT^ ?
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Equipment Email Templates

Email Templates are the basis for the automatic e-mail messages triggered when a reservation is submitted. Room Reserve categorizes email templates by function - Room Email Templates and Equipment Email Templates. Unless otherwise indicated the templates described below appear in and function the same in both categories.

  • Patron Request Confirmation: - The Patron Request Confirmation templates creates a confirmation for a patron's submission of a Mediated room reservation.
  • Staff Request Confirmation: - The Staff Request Confirmation template creates a confirmation for staff-submitted reservations The system automatically accepts all staff submitted reservations.
  • Request Accepted: - The Request Accepted template creates the approval confirmation for a Pending reservation. This confirmation may include deposit or payment instructions.
  • Request Denied: - The Request Denied template creates the message that notifies a patron that their request has been denied and why.
  • Status Change: - The Status Change template creates the message that notifies the library of a change in the room reserve request.
  • Reservation Reminder: - The system uses the Reservation Reminder template to create a reservation reminder that is sent to the email address listed on the Reservation Form. The system sends the reminder a fixed number of days prior to a reservation, as determined by the E-mail Settings configuration.

Template Tags Default Picture (click to enlarge)
Equipment Email Templates - Patron Request Confirmation
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
Patron Request Submitted Message ^PATRONSUBMITTED^ The Patron Request Submitted Message will display the message define by the patron during the equipment request of the room reservation process.
Reservation Cancel Link ^CANCELLINK^ The Reservation Cancel Link will display giving the patron the option to cancel the equipment request after submitting the room reservation.

Equipment Email Templates - Staff Request Confirmation
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
Staff Request Submitted Message ^STAFFSUBMITTED^ ?

Equipment Email Templates - Request Accepted
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
Start Comment Section ^STARTCOMMENT^ ?
Staff Comment ^COMMENT^ ?
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Equipment Email Templates - Request Denied
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
Start Comment Section ^STARTCOMMENT^ ?
Staff Comment ^COMMENT^ ?
End Comment Section ^ENDCOMMENT^ ?

Equipment Email Templates - Status Change
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.

Equipment Email Templates - Reservation Reminder
Tag Syntax Description
Contact Name ^NAME^ The Contact Name is the requesting patrons name and will be populated on the Patron Request Confirmation.
Equipment Quantity ^EQUIPQUANTITY^ The Equipment Quantity will display and numeric value of the number of the requested piece of equipment.
Equipment Name ^EQUIPNAME^ The Equipment Name will display the title of the equipment selected by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Organization ^ORGANIZATION^ The Organization will display the patron's company name populated by the patron during the Room Reservation.
Cost Table ^COST TABLE^ The Cost Table will display at the bottom of the Room Reservation Request with the details of Equipment Charges and Room charges broken in to a table format.
Library ^LIBRARY^ The Library will display the Library branch name within the Room Reservation request.
Request Date ^DATE^ The Request Date will display the date for the actual request by the patron for the Room Reservation.
Meeting Start Time ^MTGSTARTTIME^ The Meeting Start Time will display the time the actual meeting will begin without the extra setup time.
Meeting End Time ^MTGENDTIME^ The Meeting End Time will display the time the actual meeting will end without the extra take down time.
Reservation Start Time ^STARTTIME^ The Reservation Start Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will begin with the extra setup time if applicable.
Reservation End Time ^ENDTIME^ The Reservation End Time will display the time of the actual reservation for the room will end with the the take down time if applicable.
Confirmation Number ^CONFIRMNUMBER^ The Confirmation Number will display a system generated number that can be used by the library staff to locate the reservation on the staff side of the Room Reservation system.
Payment Information ^PAYMENTINFO^ The Payment Information will display the amount due for the equipment request during the room reservation.
Request Status ^STATUS^ The Request Status will display the current status of the equipment request during the room reservation. Potential Status include - Pending, Waiting, Approved
Start Recurring Reservation Repeat ^STARTREPEAT^ The Start Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the beginning date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.
End Recurring Reservation Repeat ^ENDREPEAT^ The End Recurring Reservation Repeat will display the ending date of an ongoing equipment request during the room reservation process.

Site Configuration

Style Configuration

Library Information

Library Information refers to the library's contact information (i.e. name, address, phone, etc), residency (or other) terms, and hours (standard and alternate). THIS INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED BEFORE EVENTS ARE POSTED TO THE CALENDAR

Multi-Branch System Note: In order to setup or access multiple branches, the multiple branches feature must be enabled.
  • At the All Branches level, Library Information is managed from a drop list.
Add Branch Add Branch allows you to set up a new library branch in the system. Libraries might also use this function to create a private, internal only staff calendar. Note: In order for Add Branch to be active, the Enable Multi-Branch setting in System Settings must be set to "Yes". You can no longer set the total number of branches from System Settings.
Edit Branch Edit Branch allows you to view and edit the configuration of existing branches, adjust the order in which branches appear in drop down list, and delete individual branches.
Master Branch Master Branch is the Library Name and website address only.
  • When adding or editing a branch, the Library Information Maintenance page includes the ability to add a map link that will appear on the Event Calendar (in list view) and on the Event Information/Registration page next to the library name.
  • When adding or editing a branch, you may elect to make the branch private - hidden from public view. This allows libraries to create an internal-only staff calendar.
Multi-Branch System Note: Library Information is split between All Branches and individual branch modes as follows:
Mode Information
All Branches All Branches mode contains:
  • Add Branch
  • Edit
  • Master Branch
Individual Branch Individual Branches may edit their own branch only. The fields that appear on the Edit Branch template do not change when accessed from All Branches or Individual Branches.

Function Definition Picture
Library Information Maintenance Library Information defines specific branch information.
Library Number - The library number is a unique number assigned by the system for each defined library branch.
Name - This Name field will define how the Library Branch Name will appear at the top of page headings.
Search List Name - The Search List Name field will define the abbreviated or shorten version of the library branch name.
Address - The Address field defines the library branch street address.
City - The City field defines the library branch city address.
State/Province - The State/Province defines the State/Province of where the library branch is located.
Zip/Code - The Zip Code defines the Zip Code of where the library branch is located.
Residency/Other Term - Used for residency or other stipulation checking Ex: Guilford Township Resident or County Resident
Phone Number - The Phone Number field defines the library branch's contact phone number.
Home Page - The Home Page field allows the library to define the URL of the Home Page for the specific branch.
Link Type - The Link Type field allow the library to specify a link for the URL or use the branch address to generate URL to Google maps.
Map Link Title - The Map Link Title defines the title the library would like to appear for the the Map Link.
Map Link - The Map Link allows the library to define the optional link for map or branch specific web page.
Private Branch - The Private Branch field allows the Library to decide if they would like the patron's to not have access to the calendar or its contents.

Standard Hours The Standard Hours define the hours of the library branch and can carry over to each room or when defining each individual room the hours can be defined on a case by case basis.
  • Weekday - The weekday will allow the library to define standard hours for the specific days of the week.
  • Start Time - The Start Time will allow the library to define the Start Time for each day of the week.
  • End Time - The End Time will allow the library to define the End Time for each day of the week.
  • Update ALL Rooms with Standard Hours - By selecting the box allow the library to update all defined rooms with the above defined hours.

Alternate Hours(Optional) The Alternate Hours allows the library to define possible alternate hours based on a certain time frame. For instance Summer Hours.
  • Starting On - Allows the library to define the Starting Month and Day of the Alternate Hours.
  • Ending On - Allows the library to define the Ending Month and Day of the Alternate Hours.
  • Weekday - The weekday will allow the library to define standard hours for the specific days of the week.
  • Start Time - The Start Time will allow the library to define the Start Time for each day of the week.
  • End Time - The End Time will allow the library to define the End Time for each day of the week.
  • Update ALL Rooms with Alternate Hours - By selecting the box allow the library to update all defined rooms with the above defined hours.

Interactive Map Settings The Interactive Map Settings allows the library to define the location by displaying on a viewable map.
  • Map API Key - The Map API Key field is where the library populates the API Key issued by Google.
  • Map Title - The Map Title is the title that will be displayed when the patron selects the map.
  • Default Zoom Level - The Default Zoom Level allows the library to define the beginning zoom level when the patron views the map.
  • Branch Coordinates - The Branch Coordinates defines the Latitude and Longitude of the branch.

System Settings

System Settings determines how information in the system is organized, what options are available, how they work and whether information is optional or required when submitting a reservation. The standard system configuration categorizes System Settings into General and Requests/Reservations. If Unmediated Booking Options is enabled (General System Settings), Requests/Reservations becomes Mediated Reservations and Unmediated Reservations.

Standard Configuration Unmediated Booking Enabled
General General
Requests/Reservation Mediated Reservations

Unmediated Reservations
Multi-Branch Library System Note: In a multi-Branch library system, All Branches mode configures the number of branches in the system only.

Settings Options Descriptions
Request Settings

Enable Patron Self-Cancellation No or Yes Default: NO Determines whether patrons are allowed to cancel their own reservations. Patron cancellations trigger an automatic status change message from the system if Email Settings: Confirmation/Status Change has been configured and the patron has provided an e-mail address.
Enable Request Confirmation Emails No or Yes Default: NO Determines whether the system automatically sends a confirmation following a successful reservation.
Library Card Number Length [##] Default: 12 Refers to the number of characters in a library card number and is used to verify the authenticity of library card numbers. Use a comma separator when entering more than one number.
Reservation Time Interval [##] Minutes Default: 30 Minutes Affects the appearance of time slots on the reservation calendar. Standard intervals are 15 or 30 minutes. A 15-minute interval would appear as 9:00-9:15, 9:15-9:30, etc.
Maximum Staff Recurring Occurrences [##] Default: 12 Determines the maximum number of dates that can be entered in one recurring reservation,
Enable Auditing NO or Yes Default: NO Requires anyone entering or modifying a reservation to "sign" their work by entering their name or initials.
Enable State Entry NO or Yes Default: NO Determines how the State field appears on the Reservation Form:
  • Select NO to create a fixed field that assumes that all users reside in the library's home state.
  • Select YES to create a drop list from which users may select a state. The library's home state is the field's default.
Enable Patron Side Organization Autofill NO Yes Default: NO Determines whether the system suggests responses in contact fields based on the first few characters typed. Patrons may either select one of the suggestions or continue entering information manually.
Enable Reservation Limits No or Yes Default: NO Enable or disable the reservation limits for the branch's associated rooms. This applies to patron-submitted reservations. When enabled ("Yes"), the system displays additional configuration fields.
Default Reservation Limit [0]Reservation(s) within [0]Days This setting appears only when "Enable Reservation Limits" is enabled. It limits the number of patron requests to [X] number of requests within [Y] number of days. The system applies this setting to room configuration settings. It is primarily used when all rooms in a library or all multi-branch system have the same reservation limits. It can be modified at any time in a room's configuration template (Edit Mode). Example: Patron cannot request/reserve a room more than 1 time in 30 days.
Enable Unmediated Booking Options NO or Yes Default: NO Changes In-House Reservations to Mediated Reservations Maintenance menu. Mediated Reservations required secondary approval of library staff; Unmediated Reservations are automatically accepted when submitted. This feature can be enabled or disabled at any time. When disabled, all unmediated rooms automatically became mediated.
Enable Advanced Costing No or Yes Default: NO Allows libraries to set fees or deposits for use of rooms and equipment.
Warning: Once enabled, this feature may only be disabled when all rooms in the branch have cost classifications disabled (Room Configuration - Room Costs) and there are no reservations with associated cost classifications.
The system displays the following error message when a user attempts to disable Advanced Costing: "Once enabled, ADVANCED COSTING cannot be disabled until there are not any cost classifications associated with reservations in this branch."
Enable Extended Hours Disable / All Rooms Extended Opening [##] Mins or Extended Closing [##] Mins / Per Room / Default: Disabled Allows room reservations beyond normal library hours.
  • Disable - Prevents room reservations beyond normal library hours.
  • All Rooms - Allows all rooms to be reserved beyond normal library hours.
  • Per Room - Allows libraries to prevent or offer extended hours on a room-by-room basis.
Extended Hours Availability Staff Only / Patron and Staff / Per Room Default: None Determines who may submit reservations beyond normal library hours.
  • Staff Only - Requires that patrons seek staff assistance when submitting reservations beyond normal library hours.
  • Patron and Staff - Allows anyone to submit reservations beyond normal library hours.
  • Per Room - Allows libraries to grant on a room-by-room basis the ability to submit reservations beyond normal library hours.
Enable Equipment Inventory No or Yes Default: NO Determines whether equipment can be reserved independently of rooms.
Multi-Branch Library System Note: In a multi-branch library system, this is an All Branches setting.
Warning - Once enabled, this option may not be disabled.
Reservation Maintenance Setting

Late Payment After [##] Days Default: 7 Days Defines when a fee or deposit payment is considered late.
Approval Password Level Security Level or Disabled Default: Staff User Determines the minimum security level required to approval reservations.
Auto Archive Option Disabled - Reservation Older tha [##] Days - On the ## of the Month - Default: Disabled Determines whether the system automatically archives reservations and, if so, on what basis.
  • "Reservations Older than..." archives reservations based on their age.
  • "On the [##] of the Month" archives the previous month's reservations on a specific day of each month (1st, 2nd, etc.)
Request/Reservation Settings

Reservation Range [###] Days [Number of days in the future that the patron can make a request.]
Maximum Reservation Length [0] Hours [0 - no set limit beyond room hours and availability] "Maximum length of time for any one reservation, other than room hours and availability. (Example: Patron cannot request a room for more than 4 hours per mediated reservation)."
Reservation Buffer Length [##] Minutes [0 - No buffer applied to reservation.] "Number of minutes automatically applied between room reservations. This setting must be equal to or greater than the Reservation Time Interval, other than 0."
Time Before Request Limit [##] Hours [0 - No minimum time] "Setting for a limit on house close to the actual meeting time a room request can be submitted. Example: You cannot submit a reservation any closer than 48 hours before the reservation start time."
Maximum Patron Recurring Occurrences [##] [0 - Disabled (Patron can only make 1 reservation at a time)] "Set the maximum number of recurring room reservations that a patron can make. When set to 0 (disabled), patrons can only make 1 reservation at a time."
Room Policy Path [Text Field] "Link to Room Policy Page (.htm, .html, or .pdf). Enter path: http://..."
Enable Check Return/Destroy Entry No or Yes Default: NO "Requires a Check Return/Destroy selection when a deposit is made."
Hide Organization Name No or Yes Default: NO "Display "Reserved" instead of actual organization name on public views."
Default View Day - Week - Month - Search "Set the default starting view"
Disable Views Day - Week - Month - Search "Set the view(s) to be disabled"
Default Search Start Time [Hour]:[Min] [AM or PM] [Automatically applies to all branches] "Set the default starting time when searching"
Default Search End Time [Hour]:[Min] [AM or PM] [Automatically applies to all branches] "Set the default ending time when searching"

Regional Settings

Email Settings

E-mail Settings sets the e-mail addresses used to route confirmations and status change e-mails internally and externally.

Single Branch Systems will find these settings listed under E-mail Settings.
Multi-Branch Library Systems will find these settings split between E-mail Settings and E-mail Server Settings. The table below outlines the branch designation and configuration location for each piece of the E-mail configuration puzzle.

Branch Assignment
Configuration Assignment

Individual Branch All Branches Email Settings Email Server Settings
Confirmation/Status Change X
Email Server Settings
Upcoming Event/Reminder Settings

The following table describe the e-mail settings.

Field Options Notes and Description
Confirmation/Status Change
"Form" Name: [Text entry field] The From Name appears on outgoing confirmations and status change emails
"From" E-mail Address: [Text entry field] The "From" address is associated with the From Name and appears on outgoing confirmations and status change emails
Default "To" Internal Name: [Text entry field] The name of the internal contact that receives status change messages
Default "To" Internal E-mail Address(es): [Text entry field] The e-mail address associated with "Default To Internal Name". Separate multiple email addresses by semi-colon(:)
Email Server Settings:
SMTP Address (URL or IP): [Text entry field] An SMTP address is required for Windows servers
Authentication Type: No Authentication - Basic Authentication - NTLM Default: No Authentication "NTLM" stands for Windows NT LAN Manager
User Name: [Text entry field] Required if using basic authentication
User Password: [Text entry field] Required if using basic authentication
Upcoming Event/Reminder Settings:
Event Notification Offset [Numerical List] Days Default: 30 Days This field only appears when Events and Room Reserve work together. Enter 0 to disable notifications.
Event Reminder Offset [Numerical List] Days Default: 2 Days This field only appears when Events and Room Reserve work together. Enter 0 to disable event reminders
Room Reminder Offset: [Numerical List] Days Default: 2 Days Enter 0 to disable reservation reminders
Web Server URL or IP: [http:// Web Server URL or IP refers to the web address of the server housing the system. Include http:// when entering the web address
Folder Path: [Text entry field] Folder Path refers to the system folder path from the Web Server URL or IP entered above. Do not include starting and ending forward slashes
"From" Name: [Text entry field] The From Name appears on outgoing e-mail messages relating to upcoming event and room reminders
"From" Email Address: [Text entry field] The "From" address is associated with the From Name and appears on outgoing upcoming event and reservation reminder emails
Nightly Status "To" Email Name: [Text entry field] The name of the recipient of nightly status change e-mails. The name entered here can be the same name entered in the "From Name" field above.
Nightly Status "To" Email Address: [Text entry field] The e-mail address associated with the "Nightly Status To Email Name" above. The e-mail address can be the same email address entered into "From Email Address" above.
E-mail Sending Option: Individual E-mails or Condensed E-mails Default: Individual E-mails E-mail sending options determines how an individual registered for multiple reminders or notifications receives them - all reminders sent as individual emails (4 reminders = 4 emails) or all reminders condensed into one e-mail (4 reminders = 1 email)
Enable Logging: No or Yes Default: YES When Enable Logging is set to "Yes", the system displays a progress log of email reminder and notification messages. Notify.bat file must be configured for nightly delivery of event notifications and reminders.

Credit Card Settings

Branch Specific Lists

The Branch Specific lists are used to create and manage the lists, categories and classifications that appear throughout the system. Configuring the Branch Specific Lists is an Administrator level function

General Principles

The following principles apply to ALL Branch Specific Lists.

1. The Branch Specific templates consist of the following sections:

File:Room Reserve General Principles 1.png

2. All lists, except the Internal Classification List, are sorted alphabetically. The Administrator determines the sort order of the Internal Classification List based on an assigned numerical value (its "weight").

Fixture Lists

The Fixture List contains a list of fixed assets or accessories permanently installed in a room (i.e. a wall-mounted white board or projection screens). The list appears in alphabetical order.

Location Lists

The Location List allows you to enter non-traditional meeting spaces into the system. These non-traditional spaces are not defined "rooms"(i.e. having four walls, a door and a traditional meeting setup). They might include a children or reference section, the lobby, or the area outside the library where you might host a small gathering.

The Location List is the master list of all rooms and locations in the system regardless of how they are added to the system. When Events and Room Reserve work together, Events has access to the Configured Rooms (not Locations) on this list for scheduling events. Users may select, view information about and reserve a Configured Room. Events scheduled in a Configured Room appear on both the Events and Room Reserve calendar. (Locations configured in Events are not accessible to Room Reserve)

The list appears in alphabetical order.

Group Type/Category List

Group Type/Category List contains a list of patron group types and categories (i.e. Arts, and Culture, Corporate, Government, etc). The list appears in alphabetical order. Entries on this list appear on the Room Usage Report.

Internal Classification List

Internal Classification List contains a list of classifications defined by the library. These classifications appear (along with the Internal Notes and Attendance Count fields) when accessing the reservation Form in View Mode. It is visible to STAFF only. You may use these classifications any way you choose, including evaluating your patrons (i.e. such as a Acceptable, Probation, Unacceptable/Do Not Allow Reservations, etc).

(a) Order Weight appears in increments of 10

(b) When adding in a new item, assign a number based on 5 (i.e. 5,15,25 etc...)

  • To place a new item before an existing item, assign an order weight that is less than the existing item.
  • To place a new item after an existing item, assign an order weight greater than the existing item.
  • The system places the new item in the list and reassigns a 10-based order weight to each list item based on its place in the list.
Note - If you assign a new item an order weight that already appears in teh list (new classification = 20), the system assigns the new item the next highest order weight (result = new item = 30).
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