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How To Events - Remove a Subscriber from Automatic Upcoming Event Notification List

How To Events - Remove a Subscriber from Automatic Upcoming Event Notification List

This document will define the procss on how to stop automatic event emails from going out to a patron.

Note: Subscriber Lookup in Reports from Event Maintenance will be used in this process.

1- Search for the patron using name or email address fields.

2- When their record comes up, click on Notification Signups in View Signups column.

3- Place a check mark next to the event type(s) they have selected to be notified about, then hit the Delete Previous Entries button.

Note: The bottom section of this page is for adding more event types to the list they wish to be notified about.

4- If a record no longer has any signups associated with it, you can remove it from the Subscribers list by going back (hit the back button on this page). Place a check mark in the Remove column and then hit the Remove button.

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