Creating a QR Code for Use With D!BS

Note: This workflow has been updated

Rooms in Dibs each have their own URL.Because of that, you can create custom QR codes that allow patrons to scan a barcode into their phone that will take them directly to the sign-up screen for that room. If you affix a QR code outside the room, a patron who scans it will automatically be taken to the page for that room, with the room selected and the time as 'now'. This allows for instant signup for patrons. They will also have the option to change the time if they wish.

Watch this video to get an example of a typical D!BS workflow with QR code.

With one scan of the QR image, a patron is ready to reserve the room they see.

Generating the QR codes is pretty simple. First, they are just URLs. So an example would be:

(NOTE: the old URL path was - this will work if you had already started using QR code links before July 2014, if not than this is no longer valid)

Room ID number are accessible when logging into the staff side of the site using the Super Admin login, and navigating to the Location Setup area.  The room ID numbers are listed to the left of each room name.

You can also determine the room number by checking


There are many websites that help create QR codes for free. A site we recommend is You can download or print the QR code directly from their site. To configure a new QR code:


1. Go to

2. Select the URL tab.

3. Enter your URL for the room you want to generate a code for (i.e. ). Simply change the final digit to create URLs for additional rooms.

4. Download the PNG image and use it in any document program to format and print.


Post the QR code outside the room in question. Patrons can scan the code and sign-up quickly for the room.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 440
Created On: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 2:47 PM

Online URL: