How to Locate Unsecured content in a Secured HTTPS page

This article explains why accessing your Evanced software via HTTPS, may still result in the browser not loading as a "Secure" page because of that page containing certain unsecure data (ex. Image files) and how to locate that unsecure data in your software.

You can learn more about the recent change in Google Chrome's browser alert messages and how the relate to HTTP vs HTTPS content here.

If the Evanced product is accessed using HTTPS and all content is secure, then a green "Secure" message will display next to the address bar and everything will display in the browser as expected.

If accessing the Evanced product using HTTPS and there is some unsecured content (or "mixed content) within the page (ex. an image that is hosted using just HTTP) then an alert message will display next to the address field in the Chrome browser but the unsecured content will still display as expected.

NOTE: Evanced software has always had forced HTTPS encryption on any and all Credit Card submission pages within all of our software offerings. The content of this article is specific to a change in how browsers (such as Google Chrome) interact with the other pages within the Evanced software.

What is unsecured data?

How do I locate HTTP content in an HTTPS page?

What do I do with the unsecured content found in a secured page accessed via HTTPS?

Custom Fields

Article ID: 715
Created On: Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 10:51 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 12:46 AM

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