How to Run a Requested Equpiment Report

Room Reserve has a robust variety of reporting tools. To run a Requested Equipment Report, access it from the Room Reserve Maintenance page.

This report allows you access important data about equipment requests.

Date Choose from a range of daily, weekly, or monthly reports. Or choose a custom day or date range .
Select Rooms
Choose what rooms to include in the report in order to see equipment requests broken down by the room reservation they are associated with.
Include Bookable Equipment
You can choose to rent out equipment independent of a room. This option allows you to run a report just on those occurrences or to include them in a broader report.
Include Custom Questions
If you've set up reservations to include and custom questions, you can include those answers on the report if you wish.
Status Show all reservations or break them down by reserved, payment pending, pending, canceled, or denied.
Display Type
HTML is a web page, Word is a word processing program, Excel is a spreadsheet, and CSV format is easily read by a wide variety of text editors.
Action Display or print the report
Order By
Order your report by room name, date, start time, equipment, or requesting organization.
Display Columns
Choose what data fields you want included in your report.
Save/Load Reports
You can save a report to rerun in the future. Simply name it and click Save As.

Submit the report, and it will be produced in the document format of your choosing.

Article ID: 172
Created On: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:29 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:07 PM

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