Is There A Way To Track No Shows in Room Reserve?

There is a way to track No Shows in Room Reserve. However, future room requests made by a group who was a No Show at one point will not get automatically blocked in the current version 7. This feature is on the list for future possible enhancement in upcoming releases.
If you are interested to take advantage of what the Room Reserve currently offer in this area, here is how you can implement it:
If you log in as an admin, you will find a list that is called "Internal Classification List" under "System Settings" menu. You can add/edit/remove whatever classifications you need there including "No Show". Keep in mind that you can also add other classifications that you might find helpful, such as "Left the room messy", "Damaged Equipment", etc.
For your reference, click here for an article about working with internal classifications..

Once added, to the list you can update groups' reservation records with it, if applicable. You do this by viewing the reservation record in Room: Requests/Reservations> hit "View" link for the reservation in question.
Later, when these reservations become either accepted (tab) or archived (tab), the classification will show in the list under the internal column. And there is also a filter for it in the search area. Of course, this information is not seen by the public.

You can make this work by making it a policy for staff to check organization's history in the system, prior to approving their room requests.

Article ID: 317
Created On: Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 2:56 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 2:56 PM

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